Project Scientist I (M.Phil/Ph.D)
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Wildlife Institute of India Rd, Chandrabani,, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248002
Doctoral Degree in Science (Wildlife Sciences/Environmental Sciences/Forest management/Life Sciences/Natural Sciences) from a recognized University or equivalent
Rs. 56,000/-
35 years
Design and conduct field surveys, data collection, and analysis for tiger and prey monitoring and report preparation. Carry out the tiger, prey and habitat monitoring work as per the approved work plan under the supervision of project Supervisor/Project Manager in Nandhaur Wildlife Sanctuary and adjoining landscape. Carrying out training for frontline staff in patrol based monitoring using M-STrIPES and camera trapping and prey monitoring Supporting frontline staff to conduct regular patrol based monitoring in Nandhaur landscape. Providing logistical support to Project Manager to support training programmes in Wildlife forensic, information-handling and data collection. Supporting Uttarakhand Forest Department in collating data from camera trapping, patrol-based monitoring, and compiling reports for adaptive management. Support the biological monitoring team to conduct tiger, prey and habitat monitoring work as needed Responsible for technical reporting pertaining to implementing rigorous patrol-based monitoring in study area. Responsible for technical reporting pertaining to tiger conservation in study area.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-21/11/2022
1. Shortlisting of application for online interview of applications will be based on essential qualification, age limit, NET/ GATE qualification, percentage of marks in bachelor’s and Master’s, specialization relevance in Masters, research experience (Publications, Paper Presented in Workshops/ Seminars/ Symposiums/ Conferences), SOP and extracurricular activities (as per WII rules). General Terms and conditions: 1. The candidates are required to send their completed application along with attachments (with subject line on envelop “Application for the post of Project Scientist-I in ________________ (project), Advertisement No. WII/UKFD/WII/PM/3-2020” to The Registrar, Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Dehradun 248001, Uttarakhand by post which should reach the Institute on or before 1700 hrs on 21 November 2022. 2. The applications received will be rejected by the Institute, if (i) receive after the deadline, (ii) not in prescribed application format, (iii) self attested documents of qualification, date of birth & experience not attached or (iv) received without said subject line in post. 3. Mere fulfilment of the minimum advertised qualification and experience requirement DOES NOT automatically entitle an applicant to be called for online interview. The decision of the Institute in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of application, mode of selection will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained from any individual or his / her agency. 4. All the steps of the recruitment process will be conducted by a duly constituted Selection Committee. However, if the number of applications received for a particular post(s) is large, then Institute reserves the right to lay down any criteria for the purpose of short listing of the candidates for interview. 5. 4. All original documents/certificates must be produced at the time of joining for necessary verification. 6. At the time of the verification of original documents or even after selection, if it is found that an attempt has been made by the applicant to willfully conceal, misrepresent or canvass the facts, such applicant will not be considered for selection and due action will be taken. 7. Relaxation in upper age limit shall be allowed in accordance with the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) OM No.1501282/2010-Estt. (D) dated 27.03.2012 as amended from time to time. However, the categories of upper age relaxations are as follows: a. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes up to 5 years. b. Other Backward Class (OBC) up to 3 years. 8. The positions advertised are purely temporary/ contractual for the project period only and will stand abolished after completion of the project. 9. The tenure in the project will be governed by the Institute’s rules and regulations. 10. After announcement of the results, the candidate should join the project within 15 days. 11. The Director WII reserves the right to reject any candidature in view of incomplete information provided by the candidate or for any other reason thereof. Registrar Wildlife Institute of India.
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