Director (B.Tech/B.E)
No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority - MMRDA BANDRA-KURLA COMPLEX M.M.R.D.A. OFFICE BUILDING, BANDRA-KURLA COMPLEX, C-14 & 15, E BLOCK BANDRA (EAST),, MUMBAI, Maharashtra 400 051
Degree in Electrical Engineering from a Recognized & reputed University / Institute along with proven track record of 25 years
Rs.144,200 - Rs.218,200/-
1. Candidate should have experience of working in construction projects of Railways/Metros/Other PSUs.2. Candidate should be conversant with international competitive bidding, computerized environment working and latest Electrical / Electronics / Signaling & Telecommunication / Systemsengineering technologies etc. 3.Adequate experience in planning, designing, supply, testing & commissioning of Rolling stock, Electric, General Services and Electric Traction etc for elevated Metro/Rail Projects in urban area & suburban environment4. Candidates with experience of working of modern Urban Rail will be given preference. 5. Should have experience & knowledge of interfacingwith Central & State Govt. departments, Railway related disciplines such as co-ordination with MoUD, Railways, RDSO and CRS etc. 6. Should have experience & knowledge of complying with project related requirements of international funding institutions like JICA / World Bank.
The candidate should be working in Pay Band IV of CDA Grade of Rs. 37400-67000 with a grade pay of Rs. 8900 for a minimum period of 3 yearsBy deputation from Govt. Department or Semi GovOrganization including Public Sector Undertaking, if they possess the qualification and experience as mentioned below
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-16/11/2022
1. Age attained, Qualification acquired and Experience gained at the time of publication of the said advertisement will only be taken into account. No addition or alteration therein subsequently will be entertained. 2. Officers working in Central/State/Semi Govt., PSU, LDBs fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria, equivalent pay scale and Grade Pay can apply for the post on deputation. Also after confirming of the fulfillment of the other requirements mentioned in the recruitment rules above. 3. The candidates already employed in Govt. Sector, should compulsorily produce/submit his/her No objection Certificate (in the Proforma given) from present employer and also should apply through proper channel. 4. Experience of only full time work acquired after completion of desired educational qualification will be considered. Part-time/hourly basis/honorarium service will not be considered. 5. It is mandatory to submit NOC, No Dues, No D.E. pending/proposed certificates from their parent/present department as per Govt. Rule in this behalf, in case, if candidate is selected for appointment. 6. Candidate is required to produce “Small Family Declaration” as per Rule 4 “A” of the Government Notification No.SRV-2000/CR(17/2000)Twelve, dated 28th March, 2005. 7. Candidates should have knowledge of Marathi language. (Candidate should produce S.S.C. Examination certificate.) if otherwise Candidate needs to clear the exam related to Marathi language as per Notification No. MBP/1087/CR-2/87/20, dated 30.12.1987 within the stipulated time limit. 8. Applications received in response to this advertisement will only be considered and any previous applications forwarded will not be taken into account. 9. The candidates applying under DEPUTATION category are advised to please refer the GoM’s GAD GRs bearing No. -2011/ . .137/ 12 dated 17.12.2016 and GAD GR No. - 2016/ . .510/ . 12 dated 16.02.2018 before filling up the form to get clear idea. These GRs are self-explanatory with reference to eligibility and Terms & Conditions of deputation. However, some of the key features are as under:- (i) Applicant should be from Central/State/PSU/LDBs Govt. service employee and working in the same rank in the same/equivalent Pay Scale + Grade Pay fulfilling eligibility criteria as specified in Recruitment Rules. Applicants are advised to mention clearly his/her rank, designation, pay scale and grade pay in the application. (ii) Applicants those who were appointed on probation should complete his/her at least 5 years of service after completion of probation, more precisely mentioned in the above said GRs. (iii) Applicants those who were not appointed as probationer should complete his/her at least 7 years of regular service to apply on deputation. (iv) It is mandatory to submit NOC of his/her parent department strictly as per PROFORMA given. In case of selection, his/her services are made available within 15 days from the date of issue of deputation selection order at the time of an interview. In absence of such kind of certificate, applicant will not be allowed for an interview. (v) On selection, applicant should submit (a) a certificate to the effect that he/she is fulfilling all the norms prescribed in the GRs dated 17.12.2016 & 16.02.2018 (b) CRs of last 5 years & (c) a certificate to the effect that he/she was not punished during the last 10 years under MCSR rule 8, no D.E. is proposed/pending against him/her, no penalty was imposed. (vi) Maximum deputation period of 10 years is allowed in total length of service; of which not exceeding 5 years at a time. However, whose 2 years are left for retirement has to necessarily go back to his parent department. (vii) These deputation appointments are governed by the MCSR Rules as well. (viii) The officers who held responsible/punished and also against whom the Departmental Enquiry is proposed/pending/initiated/continuing in the last 10 years under MCS Rules 1979 u/s 8 as also in the judicial matters if any, can not apply. (ix) Initial period of this deputation will remain for one year, however, it can be extended further in accordance with the provisions laid down in GR dated 17.12.2016 and 16.02.2018 referred hereinabove, purely on the basis of prevailing circumstances and need of the project; as also integrity, capability and merit of the concerned officer at that point of time/stage. (x) No age limit for appointment on deputation. (xi) Application should be submitted through proper channel. (xii) Probationary officers are excused to apply. (xiii) On appointment, pay as per Last Pay Certificate and deputation allowance as per rules is applicable. Other benefits will be awarded on the mutually agreed terms & conditions of deputation based on MCSR and GRs in this regard. (xiv) All other relevant conditions mentioned in the Deputation GR are applicable. Also orders issued by the GoM from time to time in this regards are binding on the candidates. 10. Candidates will be shortlisted on the merit of each candidate with reference to number of applications received. 11. Only shortlisted/eligible candidates will be sent “Call letters” for interview and only selected candidates will be sent “Offer letter” or “Selection letter” for appointment. 12. Waiting list prepared, if any, on the basis of Merit after the interview, will be kept live depending upon the requirement, however, in any case, not beyond one year. 13. No reservation for Isolated Posts as per GAD GR. No. BCC-1097/C.R. 20/97/16-B, dated 21 September, 1998. 14. Recommendations and pressure for selection of candidates will not be entertained at any point of time. On the contrary, the said candidates who try to pressurize will be treated as ineligible for selection/appointment. 15. Selection will depend on verification of candidate’s original educational, experience and other related certificates. If candidate fails to submit the required certificates within stipulated time his/her name will stand cancel from the select list. 16. This Authority reserves its right either to cancel/postpone the entire procedure in accordance with the advertisement or to cancel/postpone the advertisement, without any justification. Decision of the Competent Authority will be Final in this regard. 17. Candidates should submit their applications in the prescribed Proforma ONLY along with Undertaking kept with this advertisement. 18. Incomplete applications will be rejected. 19. The applicants fulfilling the eligibility criteria should ensure that his/her application should receive before due date. Applications received after due date - due to postal delay or any other reason-will not be considered and will automatically treated as cancelled. 20. Necessary copies of the certificates duly attested are required to be submitted along with the application in support of the statements made in the application. Failing which the applications will
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