Key Activities
1. To ensure that all maintenance and cleaning is carried out to the highest standards and within the operational limitations prescribed, in accordance with flydubai and regulatory requirements. This will be achieved by making full use of the resources made available by flydubai and in keeping up to date with latest issues of all forms of support documentation.
2. Meet allocated arriving aircraft on turnaround within 10 minutes of their arrival.
3. Review the Cabin Defects Log (CDL) for arriving aircraft to ensure that all log entries are actioned.
4. Carry out tasks as directed by the Team Leader Aircraft Appearance (TLAA).
5. Completion of Work Packages as allocated. To ensure that all Work Packages are completed thoroughly and the relevant AMOS entries are made. To ensure that any damage identified is recorded correctly and concisely.
6. Raising Parts Requests for Aircraft Deferred Defect (ADD) as required. When raising an ADD and the spares required are known, the job holder is required to ensure that all associate spares are ordered and that AMOS and the ADD Sheet in the Technical Log is annotated accordingly.
7. Identify aircraft cleaning requirements to the TLAA.
8. Check aircraft following cleaning to ensure that the cleaning meets flydubai standards.
9. Maintain the interior and exterior state of the allocated vehicle to the standard required by flydubai.
10. Assisting with overtime requirements as requested. This will include both voluntary and rostered overtime totalling up to 50 hours per calendar month.
11. Assist and deputise for the TLAA as required.