Organisational Behavior 31. Which of the following is not a contingency theory of leadership
LPC theory Path Goal theory Vroom-Yetton-Jago theory Job centered Leadership View answer Correct answer: (D) Job centered Leadership
32. Which of the following is/are the key features of organization
Social invention Accomplishing goals Group efforts All of these View answer Correct answer: (D) All of these
33. Organization Behavior is
An interdisciplinary approach A humanistic approach Total system approach All of these View answer Correct answer: (D) All of these
34. Which of the following is/are not organizational factors causing stress
Task demand Role demand Role conflict Satisfaction View answer Correct answer: (C) Role conflict
35. A study of human behavior in organizational settings is
Individual behavior Group behavior Organizational behavior None of these View answer Correct answer: (C) Organizational behavior
36. Organization Behavior is not a /an
A separate field of study Applied science Normative science Pessimistic approach View answer Correct answer: (D) Pessimistic approach
37. ______________ is "the reactions of individuals to new or threatening factors in their work environments"
Attitude Stress Dissonance Disappointment View answer Correct answer: (B) Stress
38. Behaviour, power, and conflict are central areas of study for ______________.
sociologist Anthropologists Social psychologists Operations analysts View answer Correct answer: (A) sociologist
39. LMr. Manoj, Manager ABC Company found that skills of workers and machinery used by them as compared to the competitors in the market are obsolete within a year, which type of challenge ABC Company is facing?
High Quality and Low Quality Globalization and Culture Rapid Pace of Change Multiple Stakeholders View answer Correct answer: (C) Rapid Pace of Change
40. Which of the following is an environmental force that shapes personality?
Gender Height Experience Brain size View answer Correct answer: (C) Experience