Junior Residents (Dental) - BDS In Maulana Azad Institute Of Dental Sciences Recruitment
Recruitment For
Junior Residents (Dental) - BDS
No Of Vacancies :15
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date
The Director-principal, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, , New Delhi, Delhi 110002
Pay Scale
Pay level-10 (Rs. 56,600 + NPA and other allowances as)
Age Limit
Below 30 years as on last date of submission of application. Relaxation will be allowed as per rules.
Eligibility Criteria
Passed BDS from a recognized University including internship not before 20.12.2019. Applicants having post graduate qualification are not eligible. Those who have done junior residency earlier in any hospital/institute are not eligible.
How To Apply For MAIDS Vacancy :
1. Complete application in the prescribed format alongwith the documents and fee must reach on or before 20.12.2021 upto 04:00 PM directly or by post, addressed to 'The Director-principal, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002. The application form is available on the website www.maids.ac.in. The applicants must fill in the prescribed form only available on the website. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay or delay on the part of any delivery agency. 2. Document to be Attached: Self attested copies of certificate in support of Age, Caste, Experience, Valid Registration with State Dental Council, Internship Completion Certificate, Attempt Certificate, Marks Statements of BDS passed, BDS Degree/Provisional Certificate, Two passport size photographs, Demand Draft, undertaking in the prescribed format attached below.