Behavioural and Allied Sciences 131. Which major organ can be affected by untreated syphilis:
heart brain liver both a and b View answer Correct answer: (D) both a and b
132. The female sex hormone is
progesterone introitus androgen testosterone View answer Correct answer: (A) progesterone
133. The term performance anxiety refers to
fear of failing to achieve a sustained erection fear of having sex in public places fear of criticism from the sexual partner fear of not achieving orgasm View answer Correct answer: (A) fear of failing to achieve a sustained erection
134. Where does the action potential originate:
axon terminal axon hillock cellbody dendrite View answer Correct answer: (B) axon hillock
135. Action potential is also known as ______________
polarization spike potential both none of the above View answer Correct answer: (B) spike potential
136. The portion of ANS that produces the fight or flight response:
parasympathetic sympathetic somatic autonomic View answer Correct answer: (B) sympathetic
137. How many lobes are there in the human brain:
3 4 5 6 View answer Correct answer: (A) 3
138. Which part of the brain acts as bridge between LTM and STM:
hippocampus thalamus midbrain septum View answer Correct answer: (A) hippocampus
139. In which stage of GAS, the person may actually start to feel better
Alarm Resistance Exhaustion Termination View answer Correct answer: (B) Resistance
140. Immune system is made up of
Tissues Organs Cells the above All View answer Correct answer: (D) the above All