Behavioural and Allied Sciences 141. Which gland in your body is responsible for stress response:
Lymph gland Pituitary gland Thyroid gland All the above View answer
Correct answer: (B) Pituitary gland
142. Which one of the following is not one of the six senses:
proprioception transduction olfaction taste View answer
Correct answer: (B) transduction
143. Movement of hair cells in the ______________ triggers nerve impulses which are then sent to the brain.
pinna cochlea malleus retina View answer
Correct answer: (B) cochlea
144. What structure provides the boundary between middle and inner ear:
tympanic membrane cochlea pinna oval window View answer
Correct answer: (D) oval window
145. Which of the following is both an endocrine and exocrine gland:
thyroid gland pancreas parathyroid gland adrenal gland View answer
Correct answer: (B) pancreas
146. As long as a person has no symptom of an STI, he or she is
cannot pass on an STI does not have an STI a and b none of the above View answer
Correct answer: (D) none of the above
147. Which stimulates the production of progesterone:
LH GH TSH FSH View answer
Correct answer: (A) LH
148. The second stage of the sexual response cycle is
orgasm excitement resolution plateau View answer
Correct answer: (D) plateau
149. Damage of which part of the brain causes Kluver Bucy syndrome
Posterior pituitary Posterior Temporal Anterior temporal lobe Amygdala View answer
Correct answer: (C) Anterior temporal lobe
150. Which of the following is not a set of opponent process colours according to the opponent process theory:
red/green yellow/blue red/blue white/black View answer
Correct answer: (C) red/blue