General Manager/Civil (B.Tech/B.E) In IRCON International Limited Recruitment
Recruitment For
General Manager/Civil (B.Tech/B.E)
No Of Vacancies :01
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date
C-4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi, Delhi 110 017
IRSE Officer working in SG scale with experience in construction earthwork, bridges, track. The job requirement will include preparation of bids and tenders and execution of projects at various project sites. Relevant extensive experience and requisite knowledge in the same field. The number of years of experience and nature of experience of the officer in the specific area as per requirement will be taken into consideration. Officer should have good communication skills. Overall, an officer with a good mix of all of the above shall be preferred for selection
Pay Scale
(i) ON DEPUTATION BASIS SG Officer – GM level Rs.123100-215900/- (CDA) (Pay matrix level 13) Parent Cadre Pay + Deputation Allowance (ii) ON IMMEDIATE ABSORPTION BASIS Rs.100000-260000/- (E7 Level)
How ToApply For IRCON Vacancy :
Candidates may apply through proper channel for selection on deputation basis to the abovementioned vacancies in the prescribed proforma attached herewith. Zonal railways may forward the applications of eligible candidates alongwith Vigilance/DAR Clearance and APARs to Corporate Office/IRCON, New Delhi. A scanned copy of application in the enclosed format duly filled may also be sent by candidate in advance through e-mail to so as to reach us by 22.12.2021.No. IRCON/HRM/CIVIL/DEPU/99653/3 Pt. XVI/