Accounts Officer II (B.Com) In Society For Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research Recruitment
Recruitment For
Accounts Officer II (B.Com)
No Of Vacancies :01
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date
Abul Fazal Enclave Part 2, Jamia Nagar, Jasola, Okhla,, New Delhi, Delhi 110025
a) Degree in commerce from a recognized University and competence in computer operation. b) 10 years’ working experience in Finance & Accounts, Auditing, Finalization of Accounts, Settlement of Staff Benefits, Income Tax TDS and related work in Government office/PSU/Autonomous Institute or a Public Body or a commercial organization of repute. c) Knowledge of Government rules and regulations.
Pay Scale
Level- 10 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 56100 - 177500)
Age Limit
35 years
Desirable Qualifications
Post Graduate Diploma in Finance Management from a recognized institution/university.
How To Apply For SAMEER Vacancy :
1. The application, complete in all respects, in the prescribed proforma (available on this website), along with the self-attested copies of certificates relating to qualifications, experience, date of birth etc., should reach by or before the last date. For this purpose, last date for receipt of application would be the w o r k i n g day falling after 3 0 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News 2. The application in the proforma should be accompanied by a cover letter of the applicant, addressed to Registrar, SAMEER, clearly mentioning therein whether the applicant wants to be considered under direct recruitment or deputation or absorption. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed as “Application for the post of Accounts Officer II” and sent by speed post to the Registrar, Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research, IIT Campus, Powai, Mumbai 400076. 3. For applicants from Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division, Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, the Union Territory of Ladakh, the Union Territory of Andaman Nicobar Islands or the Union Territory of Lakshadweep, the last date will be 15 days beyond the last date of receipt of application for the applicants residing in other parts of India. 4. Those who are working in Government / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies are required to send their application through proper channel. However, if they anticipate that forwarding the application through proper channel may cause delay, they may send an advance copy of their application. Their application will be treated to have been received in time, even if their advance copy is reached by the last date 5. The applications of those, who are applying on deputation/ absorption are required to be forwarded by their office along with (a) photocopies of APARs of the last five years, duly attested by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary or equivalent, (b) Vigilance/ Disciplinary Clearance, (c) Certificate of Integrity (d) a statement of minor/ major penalty, if any, imposed on the applicant.
General Instructions
1. The selected person shall be on probation for two years. He/ she will be considered for confirmation, on the basis of his/ her performance and conduct during the probation period. The probation period may be extended, at the discretion of the appointing authority. 2. Incomplete applications, applications without photocopies of the certificate self attested and applications received after last date shall not be considered. The Society will not take responsibility for transit, postal and other delays. 3. Candidates must ensure that they fill in the correct information. Candidates who furnish false information will stand disqualified. The services of such persons shall be liable to be terminated, even if they are selected and join SAMEER. 4. Degree/ certificate should be from recognized institutions/universities. 5. Candidates should possess the prescribed experience in the relevant fields as mentioned under the column “Experience”. The experience possessed before acquiring the essential qualifications will not be counted. In such cases, the required experience will be counted only from the date the essential qualifications are acquired. The prescribed Essential Qualifications/experience are bare minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for the written test/ interview. 6. In case a large number of applications are received for the post, SAMEER may, screen the applications, on the basis of parameters to be decided by it.