Senior Research Fellow (B.Tech/B.E, M.E/M.Tech) In National Institute Of Technology Tiruchirappalli Recruitment
Senior Research Fellow (B.Tech/B.E, M.E/M.Tech)
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National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli , Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu 620015
B.E/B.Tech with First class in Mechanical/Production/Aero from UGC recognized University with valid GATE score OR M.E/M.Tech with First class in Manufacturing Technology/ CAD/CAM/Aero from UGC recognized University
Rs. 35,000/-
• Knowledge in modelling, simulation and analysis. • Essential programming (Python) knowledge for creation of digital twin. • Knowledge in additive manufacturing.
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NIT Tiruchirappalli
Vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-30/11/2022
• SRF-1 will predominantly be located/posted in the Department of Engineering Design, IIT Madras and will be coordinating with other SRFs (who are working in NIT, Trichy) for the complete system development. • All SRFs need to collaboratively work on the entire system development and other works assigned by PI and team not specifically included in the advertisement. S.No Essential Educational Qualification Position (SRF) Number of Posts Desirable Qualification/Experience 1 B.E/B.Tech with First class in Mechanical/Production/Aero from UGC recognized University with valid GATE score OR M.E/M.Tech with First class in Manufacturing Technology/ CAD/CAM/Aero from UGC recognized University SRF-1 1 • Knowledge in modelling, simulation and analysis. • Essential programming (Python) knowledge for creation of digital twin. • Knowledge in additive manufacturing. FORM No. 7 • For B.E./B.Tech Graduates, first class with qualified GATE score and 2 years of working experience is necessary. • For M.E./M.Tech graduates, first class degree (in both UG and PG) with 2 years of experience is necessary. • Upon appointment, opportunity will be provided to register M.S. (By Research) (for undergraduates)/Ph.D (for postgraduates) at NIT, Trichy subject to fulfilling Institute norms. • Age Limit: The upper age limit is 28 years as on the closing date of advertisement. The upper age limit shall be relaxable to the candidates belonging to SC/ST is 5 years and OBC is 3 years. • Eligible candidates will only be called for interview as per the criteria set by the selection committee based on valid GATE score, percentage of marks obtained in minimum qualifying degree, relevant experience and other. • GATE paper and subject of qualifying degree must be related to the subject/discipline against which the candidate is applying. • Candidates serving in Govt. or in Govt. owned organization will be required to produce “NOC” from their respective Department/Employer at the time of interview failing which the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the interview or they should apply through proper channel. • Working experience in the area of subject will be preferred. Important Instructions: • Application should be furnished only in the prescribed format. Candidates before appearing for the interview shall ensure that they are eligible for the position they intend to apply. • Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected. • Only those candidates who have been awarded Degree/Provisional Certificate are eligible to apply. • Copies of supporting documents should be scanned and emailed together with the application. All supporting documents should be submitted as a single PDF file. • Candidates need to produce Original Certificates/Testimonial for proof of Caste, Age, Educational Qualifications, GATE score, B.E./B.Tech/M.E./M.Tech marks memos and No Objection Certificate (where applicable) at the time of interview. One self-attested photocopy of all above documents should be submitted at the time of interview. • The candidate must submit the supporting document for converting CGPA/CPI to equivalent percentage (%) from concerned University. • Please note that no TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview. • Candidates should make their own arrangement for their stay and transport to NIT, Trichy.
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