Part Time Advisor (B.Tech/B.E, MBA/PGDM)
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Coal Bhawan Premise No-04 MAR, Plot No-AF-III,Action Area-1A, Newtown,Rajarhat,, Kolkata, West Bengal 700156
o Master's in Business Administration. o MBA with specialization in Marketing and Bachelor/ Master Degree in Engineering would be preferred.
65 years
. Should have worked from minimum 02 years in any of the top 500 market capitalised companies in India as Director (Mktg)/ HoD (Mktg.) . 10-15 years'experience in Marketing of Coal. o Expertise in logistic management, implementation of marketing policies & guidelines and building Consumer Relationship
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Interested candidates can apply online Last date - 22/10/2022
a) The engagement of Part time Advisor shall be subject to Medical fitness to be certified by Company Medical Officer. b) The selected Part time Advisor would be stationed at CIL Delhi and will be reporting to JS-CPD, MoC. c) The Part time Advisor shall render services for a minimum of 10 days in a month during the period of engagement. d) The Advisor shall not accept any full time appointment or post, whether advisory or administrative, in any other firm or company during the period of their engagement with CIL and its subsidiaries. e) The Part time Advisor will maintain all informatiorV documents/ materials gathered during the course of engagement in strict confidence. They will not copy or make notes of such information/ documents except in conjunction with the work for the Company. They will not divulge to anyone outside the Company or use anyof the information/ documents/ materials thecourse of engagement for their own or anyone's benefit, either during or after the terms of engagement with the Company. The aforesaid obligation shall also apply to proprietary/ confidential information/ documents of third parties received by them or the Company in the normal course of the engagement with the Company. 0 Notice Period for termination of contract - one month's notice or consolidated compensation amount from either side. g) The Part time Advisor shall, while demitting the Office, handover all information/ documents/ materials (in sofu hard format) under their possession, during the engagement period, to the concerned HOD. h) Vigilance/Departmental Clearance-'fhe rules of promotion on the matter of vigilance/departmental/safety clearances shall hold good on the matter of appointments/engagements of retired offrcials of Coal India Ltd. i) Further, compliance to circular no.07105121 dated 03.06.2021 of Central Vigilance Commission to be made regarding procedure for obtaining Vigilance clearance befbre engaging retired officials other than that of Coal India Limited. j) Tax- In case payment of GST is required, then the same shall be reimbursed on production of proof of such payment. k) Other terms and conditions will be as per CIL's policy in vogue
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