Company Secretary (ICSI ) In IRCON International Limited Recruitment
Company Secretary (ICSI )
No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
IRCON International Limited Regd. Office: C-4, District Centre, Saket, , Delhi, New Delhi 110 017
Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India
Rs 48,000/-
30 Years
Post Qualification Experience of 02 Years of Co. Secretarial work. Experience preferably in Company Secretary (CS) branch/CS department of any reputed company/ Government company/ Listed Government company. *Teaching/Articleship Training/Consultancy/ Freelancing experience shall not be treated as relevant experience
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Interested candidates can apply online Last date - 10/10/2022
1. Through walk-in interviews as per schedule given at para-B-5 below. 2. Job requirements: Good knowledge of Company law, Good communication skills, keenness in learning, readiness to meet work exigencies without hesitation and up to date on new developments. 3. There are no allowances over and above the fixed pay. 4. The above posts are specifically for Ircon’s SPVs as above and not for the regular establishment of Ircon. The appointment will be initially for a period of one year, extendable further as per the requirements of the company, if the services of the candidates are found to be satisfactory. 5. For Medical Coverage, the Medical Health Insurance Policy of Rs Three Lakhs for self with the ceiling of premium of Rs 4000/- per annum shall be taken by the Contract Employees themselves covering Covid-19 and other diseases. The premium amount shall be reimbursed to the contract employees subject to submission of copy of health insurance policy and original receipt of premium paid. 6. Minimum PF as prescribed under the EPF & MP Act 1952 will be deducted from the salary and a matching contribution will be made by IRCON. The accumulations will be paid at the time of cessation of contract. 7. One leave for each calendar month of service can be availed during the contract period. Leave can be carried forward and accumulated but no leave encashment for unavailed leave is allowed during the contract or on resignation or termination of contract. No other type of leave would be admissible. 8. Weekly off and other public holidays when the office remains closed would be available. 9. Working hours/days and off will be the same as for the Office. 10. TA/DA would also be admissible if deputed on outstation duty. 11. No other perks or benefits would be admissible except the above. 12. If any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or incorrect or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria, then his/her candidature is liable to be rejected/cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process. 13. The ex-contract employees of IRCON, whose services were terminated due to closure of projects, can also apply for these posts if they fulfil the required qualifications and experience. A copy of the termination letter should be sent along with the application. Appointment against this advertisement shall be treated as fresh appointment without any linkage to previous employment in IRCON. 14. The no. of posts indicated above may vary based on further assessment of requirement. The company reserves the right to increase, decrease, cancel, restrict & modify the requirement at any point of time without assigning any reason thereof.
Official Website Document