Assistant Security Officer (Any Graduate)
No Of
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Bharat Electronics Limited Outer Ring Road, Nagavara , Bangalore, Karnataka 560045
Should be in JCO grade at the time of leaving the Army / Navy / Air Force / Central Paramilitary Organisations (CAPF’s)The Educational qualification mentioned at I-POSTS (page 1), column (3) Qualification should be from a recognized UniversityThe candidate must possess all valid mark-sheets / Degree Certificate (Convocation Certificate)In case there is no mention of specialization in the qualifying degree as required in the minimum essential educational qualification, candidates are required to attach a copy of Certificate from University/Institution/College along with the application and submit in original along with photocopies at the time of interview and/or at any stage of process of verification with a clear mention of their specialization in the qualifying degree.
32 Years
Candidates applying for Security Officer / Assistant Security Officer Posts should possess requisite experience as mentioned at I-POSTS (page 1), column 4.The cutoff date for deciding the maximum permissible experience shall be 01.10.2022.Candidate should possess Discharge Certificates/Documents issued by the previous and present employer clearly indicating period of employment and post held.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
The candidates who are desirous of applying for the post may send their application through post / courier in the application format available on the BEL website (, along with copies of the following enclosures to the address mentioned at Page No. 8:2 Recent colour passport size photographs.Government ID Proof – Aadhar Card / PAN Card / Driving Licencse / PassportSSLC/SSC/ISC marks card and any other valid document as proof of date of birthMarks Card/Sheet of each academic year/semester.Final Degree Certificate / Convocation CertificateProof of norms adopted by the University/Institute to convert CGPA into percentage, if any.No Objection Certificate from the present employer (if employed in Govt/Quasi Govt/PSU) if applicable.Experience Certificate, Discharge certificate, if applicable. Discharge book issued by the Indian Armed Forces (Army / Navy / Air force) / Concerned Authority of Central Paramilitary Organizations clearly indicating the medical category, date of discharge and Exemplary records.Candidates presently employed in the Armed Forces (Army / Navy / Air Force) / Central Paramilitary Organizations and are yet to be discharged, need to submit documentary proof in support of their Medical Category, Character and probable date of discharge.
Candidates are reAny resulting dispute arising out of this advertisement including the recruitment process shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Bengaluru. quired to read all the instructions carefully and should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement before applying for the post.Only Indian nationals can apply for the post. All eligibility qualification should be recognized from a recognized Institution/Board/Council/ University. Wherever CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or Letter Grade in a Degree / Diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by University/Institute. Proof of norms adopted by the University/Institute to convert CGPA/OGPA/DGPA into percentage is to be submitted at the time of verification.The candidates have to produce a valid photo identity proof while appearing for the Written Test.Applicants should have sound health. No relaxation in health standard is allowed. Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the Preemployment Medical Examination to be conducted as per Norms & Standards of Medical FitnessCandidates should have an ‘Exemplary’ record and medical category should be ‘AYE’. Fire training is desirableAll Outstation candidates called for interview shall be reimbursed Travelling allowance to and fro (sleeper Class) from their correspondence address/place of work in India on production of actual tickets by the shortest route. Travelling Allowance payment will be made after verification of relevant documents submitted by the candidates at the time of interview. Reimbursement will be made at a later date through ECS.Local Travel cost, if any, shall be borne by the candidates.In the event any applicant has litigated with his/her employer in the past, the same should be clearly mentioned in the application in brief.Applications that are incomplete, not in the prescribed format, without the required enclosures, will be summarily rejected without assigning any reasons and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Candidates are required to possess one valid and active e-mail id, which is to be mentioned in the application form. In no circumstance candidate should share e-mail ID of any other person.Information pertaining to the Written Test / Interview will be sent to the correspondence address mentioned in the application form and also by e-mail to the email ID furnished by the candidate. BEL will not be responsible for bouncing of any e-mail sent to the candidatesNot more than one application should be submitted by any candidate. In case of multiple applications, only latest valid (completed) application will be retained.The selected candidates are required to stay in the Company provided accommodation mandatorilyDecision of BEL in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, qualifications and other eligibility norms will be final and binding on the candidate. The candidature at all stages of the selection process shall be provisional in nature. Mere fulfilling the minimum requirement of qualification and experience will not vest any right on the candidates to be called for the Written Test/ InterviewBEL reserves the right to change (cancel / modify / add) any of the criteria, method of selection, number of posts; indicated above based on the actual requirement at the time of selectionCandidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of selection process or after joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found not in conformity with the criteria mentioned in the advertisement. The candidature is also liable for rejection at any stage if BEL comes across any evidence/knowledge that the qualification, experience and any other particulars indicated in the application/other forms/formats/declarations are not recognized / false / misleading and/or amounts to suppression of information/particulars which should have been brought to the notice of BEL.Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification. BEL reserves the right to debar / disqualify any candidate at any stage of the selection process for any reason whatsoever. In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of clauses in any version of this advertisement other than English, the English version available on BEL website shall prevail. All further announcements / details pertaining to this process will be published / provided on BEL website : from time to time
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