Assistant (B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, PG Diploma)
No Of
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Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority NCUI Building, 4th Floor, 3, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, Hauz Khas,, Delhi, New Delhi 110016
(i) Officers of Central and State Government or Central and State Public Sector Undertakings or Central and State autonomous or statutory bodies holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; or (ii) With three years’ service on regular basis in posts in level 6 (Rs. 35400- 112400/-) in the pay matrix or equivalent in relevant field in the parent cadre or Department; and (iii) Degree in Biological Science (including Agriculture)/ Finance/ Economics/ Commerce from a Government of India recognised institute or University or Post graduate diploma in Business Administration in Finance/ Economics/ Agricultural Business Management and allied matters; and (iv) Three years’ experience in organizing trainings/ publicity/ extension work relating to warehousing, agriculture or allied subjects.
Rs.44,900 - Rs.142,400 Per Month
1. Assistant (Strategy Risk and Research) will be assisting Assistant Director (Strategy Risk and Research) in the work relating to creating policy for WDRA, creation and passing of regulations /rules /guidelines /circulars, conducting economic and regulatory research for creating of policy and strategy, ensuring the formulation, implementation and monitoring of risk management framework and liaisoning with the related Ministries and Regulators for co-ordination and collaboration of efforts, etc. SRR Division will act as a focal point of communication and co-ordination between Authority and functions of WDRA. Any other duties and functions as may be assigned by the competent Authority from time to time 2. Assistant (Operations) will be assisting Assistant Director (Operations) in the work relating to Registration of Warehouses which includes processing registration applications, scheduling of inspections,, Day to Day monitoring of repository operations and ensuring compliance, Matters relating to inspections viz. empanelling scheduling, investigations, etcMonitoring of the compliance regarding inspection guidelines, etc. monitoring of Warehouses, providing notice to the Enforcement and Legal division for any action to be taken. Any other work as assigned by the competent Authority from time to time. 3. Assistant (Stakeholders Affairs) will be assisting Assistant Director (Stakeholders Affairs) in the work relating to sensitize the market participants to the new system of e-NWRs through capacity building and training and thereby increasing the trust of market participants in the system through quick grievances redressal mechanism of the WDRA. Assistant (Stakeholders Affairs) shall also assist the division in looking after the work relating to conduct of trainings which will have to be conducted for various stakeholders and in ensuring that the relationship with the Market Participants is maintained so that the developmental role to be played by WDRA under the Act is taken care of. Any other duties and functions as maybe assigned by the competent Authority from time to time. 4. Assistant (Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach) will be assisting Assistant Director (Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach) in the work relating to Market Advocacy to get the market participants system viz. Depositors, Warehouses, Banks, Financial Institutions and other Regulators specially RBI and SEBI. Assistant (SAO) shall also assist division to sensitize the market participants about the system and benefits, Liaison with intermediaries (Bank, FIs, Banking regulators) to increase awareness about the system and increase trust, release communications to the media. Any other work as assigned by the competent Authority from time to time.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Interested candidates can apply online Last date - 06/11/2022
The pay and other terms & conditions of the service of the officer/officials selected on deputation will be governed by provisions laid down in the Department of Personnel and Training’s O.M.No.6/8/2009-Estt.(PayII), dated17th June, 2010 and other related orders issued from time to time. 2. The selected candidate will be appointed on deputation basis initially for a period of three years which may be extended from time to time by the competent authority as per rules. The applicant should have a minimum of four years’ service left as on the last date of receipt of applications. 3. Only such recommendations, as are accompanied by the requisite personal data in Annexure-II will be considered. Officers, who once volunteer for the post(s), will not be permitted to withdraw their names later. 4. Willing candidates may send their applications through proper channel in the prescribed Performa (Annexure-II) along with attested copies of APARs/ACRs for the last five years within 45 days from the date of publication of this vacancy circular in the Employment News. Applications received after the last date or without the CR dossiers or otherwise found incomplete will not be considered. While forwarding the applications, it may also be verified and certified that the particulars furnished by the officers are correct and no disciplinary proceedings are either pending or contemplated against him/her. The integrity of the officers may also be certified. It may also be confirmed that no major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last ten years. (Annexure-III)
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