Societe Generale Global Solution Centre Pvt. Ltd. has been set up as a strategic arm of the Bank in 2000, at Bangalore, Soci©t© G©n©rale Global Solution Centre serves as a €˜Centre of Excellence€™ for the Group. Global Investment Management & Services: Soci©t© G©n©rale is one of the largest banks in the euro-zone in terms of assets under custody (EUR 2 731 billion, March 2008) and under management (EUR 391 billion, March 2008) SG GSC was started by Soci©t© G©n©rale as its second entity in India after the Investment Bank. Over the past eight years, SG GSC has evolved to become the 'Global Knowledge Centre' for the Group with a reputation for providing innovative solutions that combine in-depth business knowledge with exceptional technology skills. The centre today has over 900+ employees and has plans to grow further in the coming years. SG GSC works for multiple business lines including Soci©t© G©n©rale Corporate and Investment Banking, Specialized Financial Services, Retail Banking and Global Investment Management and Services.
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