Is your kidney in danger? Our body starts giving several indicators as soon as there is something wrong. However, sometimes we fail to understand those signs and thus end up putting the body face the dire consequences. When it comes to the kidneys, the organ that helps the body stay safe from toxin accumulation is prone to many complications. In this article, we look at some of the serious indicators of kidney damage.
Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease or CKD is a slow and dangerous progressive condition that damages the kidney and leads to its dysfunction. There are several factors that play a role in damaging the kidneys. Some of the most common risk factors associated with this condition are:
2.High blood pressure or hypertension
3.Heart (cardiovascular) disease
4.Excessive smoking
5.Overweight or obesity
6.Family history
7.Abnormal kidney structure
Indicators That Your Kidney Is In Danger
While there are several warning signs that your kidney may give you once there is something wrong with it. However, lack of awareness about these signs helps the disease or the problem in the organ to grow and thus leads to the condition where the organ fails to perform basic activities. Therefore, the most important tool to fight off kidney diseases is by catching these signs at the initial stages and then getting help from the doctors to treat them.