1. Entities exhibiting properties of both non-living and living are:
(a) diatoms
(b) lichens
(c) bacteria
(d) viruses
Answer: (d)
2. This has a smaller intestine
(a) carnivore
(b) herbivore
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above
Answer: (a)
3. Which of these substances is transported by the blood plasma?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Nitrogenous waste
(c) Food
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
4. Here, the maximum exchange of material between blood and surrounding cells takes place
(a) Veins
(b) Heart
(c) Capillaries
(d) Arteries
Answer: (c)
5. In photosynthesis, the chlorophyll is used for
(a) No function
(b) reduction of carbon dioxide
(c) breaking down the water molecule
(d) absorbing light
Answer: (d)
6. The enzymes found in intestinal juice finally convert
(a) fats into fatty acids and glycerol
(b) proteins to amino acids
(c) complex carbohydrates into glucose
(d) all of these
Answer: (d)
7. The respiratory pigment in human beings is
(a) insulin
(b) enzymes
(c) haemoglobin
(d) none of these
Answer: (c)
8. This structure guards the opening of the hepatopancreatic duct into the duodenum
(a) Pyloric sphincter
(b) Sphincter of Oddi
(c) Semilunar valve
(d) Ileocaecal valve
Answer: (b)
9. Pick the correct one
(a) Serum = Blood + Fibrinogen
(b) Lymph = Plasma + RBC + WBC
(c) Plasma = Blood – Lymphocytes
(d) Blood = Plasma + RBC + WBC
Answer: (d)
10. Reduction of blood pH will
(a) reduces the rate of heartbeat
(b) reduces the blood supply to the brain
(c) releases bicarbonate ions by the liver
(d) decrease the affinity of haemoglobin with oxygen
Answer: (d)