Project Assistant (B.Tech/B.E, M.E/M.Tech)
No Of
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ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus, New Delhi , Delhi 110012
B.Tech. /B. E(Electronics / instrumentation engineering)
Rs 22,000/- (Consolidated amount per month)
M. Tech /M. E (Electronics /instrumentation engineering), one-year experience insensor-basedgadget development/programming and handling sensor networks/Signal Acquisition, Signal Filtering, Signal Processing/microcontrollers and simulation software like MATLAB (programming/Simulink)/LabVIEW/ C/ C++/ Python / Machine Learning /Acoustic based work
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
1. Owing to the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, the eligible candidates interested in online Interviews are requested to send their applications in the proforma given in the advertisement along with a self-attested scanned copy of all documents (one PDF file only) to the PI’s email address ( latest by 15-02-2022. 2. Eligible applicants will be informed in advance about the mode of Interview by email. Therefore, the applicant must have a valid operative email and mobile number along with internet connectivity for the interview. 3. Online Interview will be held on 18 February 2022 at 10:00 AM. Place of posting is in the Division of Division of Agricultural Engineering, IARI, New Delhi 110012.
1. The above positions are purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis. The posts are co-terminus with the project, and will be offered initially for a period of one year or till termination of the project whichever is earlier and further extendable based on satisfactory performance for the remaining period of the project. Division of Agricultural Engineering ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, Delhi. 110012. 2. The candidate age should be minimum 18 years and maximum 35 years, age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/Women & 3 years for OBC, is applicable as per Govt. of India/ICAR Rules. 3. Selected candidates will not be entitled to claim for regular appointments/absorption either in this institute or in ICAR. Non‐maintenance of the discipline and failure to perform the assigned duties will make the candidate liable for termination during the appointment period as per ICAR rules. The Project Assistant may also leave the assignment, on their own volition, by giving one-month notice. 4. Candidates should send their complete bio-data along with duly self-attested copies of certificates and mark sheets, experience certificate, publication (if any) and no objection certificate from the employer in case of currently employed elsewhere. Only the candidates having essential qualifications would be entertained for the interview.Candidates who are not able to append their essential degree completion certificate will not be eligible to attend the interview. 5. The selected candidate will be required to produce all the original documents and at the time of joining. 6. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in interview/Joining 7. Candidate’s whose near/distant relative(s) is an employee of the ICAR/IARI, has to declare it and communicate to this office as per format attached (Declaration). Such declaration must be submitted along with application. If communicated or declared on the date of interview, candidate will not be interviewed. Candidates having no near/ distant relative(s) working at ICAR/ ICAR-IARI will also furnish a declaration (format attached). 8. The interview for eligible candidates will be held online, the details of which will be communicated to eligible candidates by email. 9. Reporting time for online interview will be communicated and all the candidates shall adhere to the instructions. 10. Only the candidates having essential qualifications would be entertained for the online interview 11. Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature or termination. 12. The Project assistant will not be entitled for any regular leave, but are allowed to have CL and RH from time to time, not exceeding (8+2)= 10 days in a year. They are full time worker and are required to adhere to the administrative, financial and disciplinary regulations of the ICAR-IARI, hence regular attendance of the Project Assistant will be maintained by keeping an attendance register. 13. Place of posting is in the Division of Division of Agricultural Engineering, IARI, New Delhi 110012. 14. In case of any disputes, it will be resolved in the jurisdiction of New Delhi court only.
Detail Of
18/02/2022 at 10:00 AM
Official Website Document