Geographic Information System MCQS With Answers 1 to 5


Geographic Information System

1. GIS uses the information from which of the following sources?

A. non- spatial information system

B. spatial information system

C. global information system

D. position information system

2.  Among the following ____________ can be expressed as an example of hardware component.

A. keyboard

B. arc gis

C. auto cad

D. digitalization

3. Which among the following is not related to GIS software’s?

A. cad

B. arc gis

C. arc view

D. staad pro

4.  Which type of data set is not used in GIS related software’s?

A. vertex

B. ??point

C. poly line

D. polygon

5. The entire earth surface is divided into zones in which type of map projection?

A. poly conic projection system

B. cylindrical projection

C. utm projection

D. ??lambert- azimuthal equal area projection