Business Law 271. The term whole time director is defined in sec ______________ of the Companies Act 1956
2(25) 2(24) 3(25) 3(24) View answer Correct answer: (B) 2(24)
272. ______________ is the minimum number that should be present at the meeting as per the articles of the company before any business can be validly transacted.
Minutes Quorum Register Proxies View answer Correct answer: (B) Quorum
273. Decisions of a company are made by ______________ of its members passed at meeting of members
Notice Resolution Quorum Circular View answer Correct answer: (B) Resolution
274. Winding up by special resolution passed by the company
Compulsory winding up Winding up Voluntary winding up All of the above View answer Correct answer: (C) Voluntary winding up
275. ______________ is the first state in which assists realized liabilities are paid off and surplus is distributed
Dissolution Winding up Acquisitions All of the above View answer Correct answer: (B) inding up
276. Factories Act came in to existence in ______________
1948 1881 1781 1757 View answer Correct answer: (A) 1948
277. A ______________ is a visual symbol attached to goods
Patent A trade mark Corporal goods Sealed goods View answer Correct answer: (B) A trade mark
278. Mention one right that the proxy enjoys during a meeting?
Right to attend the meeting Right to poll Right to vote None of these View answer Correct answer: (C) Right to vote
279. The company agrees that the remuneration of non - executive directors shall be decided by ______________
Company Share holders Board of Directors Central Government View answer Correct answer: (C) Board of Directors
280. The alteration of the memorandum has to be certified by the Registrar within
30 days 15 days 45 days 60 days View answer Correct answer: (A) 30 days