Advertising and Sales Promotion 81. Which of the following promotional forms is often described as being too impersonal and only a one-way communication form?
Advertising Personal selling Public relations Sales promotion View answer Correct answer: (A) Advertising
82. The promotional tool that marketers tend to underuse or use only as an afterthought Is best described as being which of the following?
Advertising Personal selling Public relations Sales promotion View answer Correct answer: (C) Public relations
83. A specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience During a specific period of time is called an:
Advertising campaign. Advertising objective. Advertising criterion. Advertising evaluation. View answer Correct answer: (B) Advertising objective.
84. After determining its advertising objectives, a company next sets its ______________ for each product.
Advertising strategy Advertising budget Advertising goals Advertising format View answer Correct answer: (B) Advertising budget
85. The sense of attraction created by an ad is known as ______________
Attraction Appeal Entertainment Ad copy View answer Correct answer: (B) Appeal
86. ______________ fill the communication gap between manufactures and consumers
Advertising media Information Message Advertiser View answer Correct answer: (A) Advertising media
87. If a company gives false message to the customers, it is known as______________
Deception Subliminal ads Obscene ads Cheating View answer Correct answer: (A) Deception
88. The inner urge that prompts a person to buy a product is known as
Buying motive Inspiration Influence Desire View answer Correct answer: (A) Buying motive
89. Ads which are below the entry of conscious mind is known as ______________
Deceptive Free Subliminal ads Local View answer Correct answer: (C) Subliminal ads
90. Which tool of the promotional mix consists of short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service?
advertising public relations direct marketing sales promotion View answer Correct answer: (D) sales promotion