Accounting For Managers 41. Marginal costing is concerned with:
Fixed cost Variable cost Semi variable cost None of the above View answer Correct answer: (B) Variable cost
42. The books to be compulsorily maintained by a company are:
Cash book and ledger Sales and purchase book Journal Both a and b All of a, b, c above View answer Correct answer: (E) All of a, b, c above
43. Which of the following best describes a trial balance?
It is a list of balances on the books It is a special account Shows the financial position of a business Shows all the entries in the books View answer Correct answer: (A) It is a list of balances on the books b) It is a special account
44. Which of the following equation is related with Dual Aspect Concept ?
Total Assets = Total Liabilities Total Assets = Capital + Outsider’s Liabilities Capital = Total Assets - Outsider’s Liabilities All of the above View answer Correct answer: (D) All of the above
45. The prime function of accounting is to
To record economic data Provide the information basis of action Classifying and recording business transaction Attainmentofeconomic goal View answer Correct answer: (C) Classifying and recording business transaction
46. According to schedule VI Companies Act which item is not shown on Asset side of Balance sheet
Investment Current Loan & Advances Provision Lease Holds View answer Correct answer: (C) Provision
47. Salary paid to factory manager is an item of:
Prime cost Factory overhead Selling overhead Office overhead View answer Correct answer: (B) Factory overhead
48. Carriage outward is charged to
Debit side Profit & Loss a/c Debit side Trading a/c Credit side of Profit & Loss a/c Credit side of trading a/c View answer Correct answer: (A) Debit side Profit & Loss a/c
49. Payment received from Debtor
Decreases the Total Assets Increases the Total Assets Results in no change in the Total Assets Increases the Total Liabilities View answer Correct answer: (C) Results in no change in the Total Assets
50. Accounting does not record non-financial transactions because of:
Accrual concept Cost concept Continuity concept Money measurement concept View answer Correct answer: (D) Money measurement concept