Lower Division Clerk (12TH Pass) In Institute Of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Recruitment
Lower Division Clerk (12TH pass)
No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
Institute of Hotel Management, P.O. Alto Porvorim, Bardez,, Panaji, Goa 403 521
10+2 or Higher Secondary School, English Typing Speed of 35 w.p.m. (Computer based)
Level 2 in Pay Matrix
Not exceeding 28 years (as on 22.11.2021) Upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in case of ST, departmental candidates and 3 years in case of OBC Candidates.
One year experience in Computer Applications.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
1. Applications duly filled online in all respects along with the prescribed application fee and relevant enclosures may be submitted online on or before 22.11.2021 and copy of the same to be posted to the ‘Institute of Hotel Management, P.O. Alto Porvorim, Bardez, Goa – 403 521’. 2. The application form without enclosure of selfcertified supported documents/testimonials shall be treated as invalid. Incomplete applications will be rejected outrightly. Candidates should keep a copy of the registration slip with them, along with proof of payment for future reference. The competent authority reserves the right to fill or not to fill vacancy or to re-advertise the post. The Institute will not be responsible for postal delay.
1. Candidates are advised to read the Information Brochure carefully to check and satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the prescribed qualifications. No query seeking advise as to eligibility will be entertained. 2. The Institute reserves the right to accept/reject applications received after the last date specified. 3. Candidates must have a valid e-mail ID. Those candidates who do not have a valid e-mail ID have to create the same. 4. The Candidate satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respects can submit their application only through ON-LINE mode. The on-line registration of application is made available on the Institute’s website www.ihmgoa.gov.in from 29.10.2021 to 22.11.2021 upto 5.00 p.m. 5. The above post carries usual allowance as applicable to comparable categories of Central Government employees / servants. The Post is Non Pensionable but the New Pension Scheme as per rule will be applicable. 6. Candidate has to first register himself/herself on the online portal. Once registered, the candidate will receive a mail to his/her registered mail ID providing the reference number. Candidate has to use Login details as per the given format below : i) Login : (candidate registered email ID) ii) Password : (reference number as indicated in the mail) 7. There are 7 (seven) parts which are required to be filled. The candidates may keep on saving the various parts of the application. The candidate is permitted to edit any of the parts until it is finally uploaded. If necessary, the candidate may log out and login later to edit or complete the rest of the parts of the application form. 8. FEES: The candidate can pay the prescribed application fee through SBI ON-LINE WEBSITE (www.onlinesbi.com) as per the details available on the portal. Transaction / Processing fee if any, will be payable to the bank by the candidate. Application fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances. Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected. In case of incomplete and ineligible candidates, application fees will not refunded.
Official Website Document