Junior Research Fellow (B.Tech/B.E, M.E/M.Tech) In Indian Institute Of Technology Bhubaneswar Recruitment
Recruitment For :
Junior Research Fellow (B.Tech/B.E, M.E/M.Tech)
No Of Vacancies: 01
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date
Argul - Jatni Rd, Kansapada, , Bhubaneswar, Odisha 752050
B.E./ B. Tech degree in Computer Science Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering or allied fields with one year of experience, or M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering or allied fields. The applicant should be able to demonstrate knowledge in Linear algebra and probability and should have coding skills in python and MATLAB. Candidates who have done project/ equivalent course in machine learning or deep learning is desirable.
Pay Scale :
Rs. 31,000/-+ HRA @16% per month
How To Apply For IIT Bhubaneswar Vacancy :
1. Interested eligible persons may apply through online application system on or before 10th December 2021. 2. Web link http://webapps.iitbbs.ac.in/sric‐application/ 3. If you want to complete the registration process, please go through our IITBBS website. After entering the website, go to the 'Jobs' tab at the top, then select the option 'Recruitment for Research Project Work' and fill up the online application form after completion of registration process. Advt. No. : IITBBS/R&D/RP239/Rect/36/2021‐22 Date: 22.11.2021