Business Law MCQs With Answers 1. Which of following result in an offer-
A declaration of intention an invitation to offer, an advertisement offering reward to anyone who finds lost dog of the advertise, an offer made in a joke. View answer Correct answer: (C) an advertisement offering reward to anyone who finds lost dog of the advertise,
2. An agreement made with an alien enemy is
unlawful on the ground of public policy unlawful because it becomes difficult to be performed valid, d)voidable. View answer Correct answer: (A) unlawful on the ground of public policy
3. A contract to pay B Rs. 10,000 if B s house is burnt – This is a
wagering agreement void voidable agreement contingent contract contract of guarantee. View answer Correct answer: (D) contingent contract
4. The case of Mohiri Bibi v. Dharmodas Ghose (1903) deals with-
communication of offer communication of acceptance a minors agreements fraud a lunatic‘s agreement. View answer Correct answer: (C) a minors agreements
5. Each party is a promisor and a Promisee in case of –
past consideration present consideration every contract reciprocal promises View answer Correct answer: (D) reciprocal promises
6. The case of Taylor v. caldwell (1883)deals with-
discharge of contract by destruction of subject matter, anticipatory breach of contract discharge of contract by death of a party breach of contract. View answer Correct answer: (A) discharge of contract by destruction of subject matter,
7. A promise made without the intention of performing it amounts to –
innocent misrepresentation fraud negligent Misrepresentation wrongful misrepresentation View answer Correct answer: (B) fraud
8. A minor , by misrepresenting his age , borrows some money –
he can be sued for the fraud, he cannot be sued for the fraud he is liable to return the money None of the above. View answer Correct answer: (B) he cannot be sued for the fraud
9. If there is a fraudulent misrepresentation as to the contents of a document , the contract is –
void, voidable, valid illegal View answer Correct answer: (B) Voidable,
10. There is a counter-offer when-
the offeree gives conditions for acceptance or introduces a fresh term in acceptance the offerer makes a fresh offer the offeree makes some query. the offeree accepts it. View answer Correct answer: (A) the offeree gives conditions for acceptance or introduces a fresh term in