Individual Consultant (Post Graduate)
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55 Lodhi Estate, , New Delhi, Delhi 110 003
Advanced degree in public policy, development studies, economics, business, governance or related areas (essential)
At least 10 years of directly relevant professional experience in public policy; consulting/ advisory (with focus on sustainable development or SDGs), Practical experience working with or supporting global development organizations or governments on policies and strategies, with a specific focus on working on topics pertaining to sustainable development. Strong understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals in India. Familiarity with domestic Indian initiatives around sustainable development. Strong experience in research, quantitative and qualitative analysis and in preparing recommendation notes / strategy documents.
Able to synthesize large sets of inputs and data to form coherent outputs Ability to effectively and efficiently interact with senior members and stakeholders in the government Must be detail-oriented Communication skills: Able to communicate clear ideas across a variety of mediums Writing and presentation skills: Able to produce high quality reports and presentations Team skills: Able to work independently as well as in teams Great organizational and time-management skills
1. The primary responsibility of the Consultant is to develop a Mid-Term Evaluation Report on the current progress of SDGCCs in India. The evaluation should involve mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative), engaging with key stakeholders of the project at all levels during the design, field work, validation and reporting stages. 2. To collect the data for analysis, the evaluation will make use of the surveys and semi-structured interviews. 3. The Consultant will be formally working under the supervision of the Policy Specialist, SDGs, UNDP India.
Post Graduates 4. Deliverables: The key deliverables under the Mid Term Evaluations to include: 5. Inception report with evaluation methodology and timeline (10-15 pages): The inception report to be carried out following and based on preliminary discussions with UNDP/SDGCC after the desk review and should be produced before the evaluation starts (before any formal evaluation interviews, survey distribution). The inception report to contain clear methodology, theory of change approach on evaluation, timelines, outcome expectations 6. Draft MTE report (within an agreed length)2 The programme unit and key stakeholders in the evaluation would review the draft evaluation report and provide an amalgamated set of comments within an agreed period of time, addressing the content required (as agreed in the TOR and inception report) and quality criteria as outlined in these guidelines. Comments and changes by the evaluator in response to the draft report should be retained by the evaluator to show how they have addressed comments.
United Nations Development Programme Recruitment 7. Final MTE report. Debriefing/ Presentations to UNDP/SDGCC and concerned stakeholders and/or the MTE reference group 8. The final methodological approach including interview schedule, and data to be used in the evaluation should be clearly outlined in the inception report and be fully discussed and agreed with UNDP/SDGCC. 9. Implementation arrangements The Project Manager would be representative of the UNDP/SDGCC project management team responsible for Mid-term evaluation study. He/she will provide logistical support to the Individual Consultant (Evaluator) and will assist in organizing a detailed MTE mission agenda. 10. He /she will also ensure that all relevant documentations are up to date and easily accessible (in electronic form in a space such as Google Drive) by the Evaluator from the first day of the contract (desk review phase). 11. He /she would be primarily responsible for discussion with the Evaluator on the SDGCC Project and the TOR, providing feedback on inception report, review of the Draft MTE report and adjustments by the Evaluator, circulate draft MTE report among key stakeholders and receive feedback, and consolidate feedback and share with the Evaluator for incorporation in the final MTE report.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Interested candidate can apply online before the last date. Application Deadline: 20-Sep-21
Official Website Document