Technical Consultant (Post Graduate)
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United Nations Development Programme Solan, Lodhi Estate , New Delhi,, Delhi 110 003
Masters’ degree in social sciences, women’s rights, international studies, law or any other related discipline.
4 years of professional experience, preferably with the government or civil society sector; Experience of working in women related projects would be desirable; Experience of Government functioning; Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills; Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.) required and advance knowledge of spread sheet and database packages desirable.
1. Technical advisory to DWCD on gender-responsive implementation of programmes - 2. Provide technical inputs from a gender perspective on policies, programmes and legislations which are proposed by the Department, having a bearing on the empowerment of women, particularly those relating to Ending Violence against Women and Girls (EVAWG) in private, public and workspaces, for instance on gender biased sex selection and declining child sex ratio 3. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013, Rajasthan Prevention of Witch-hunting Act, 2015 and safety of women and girls in public spaces, including online/cyber spaces. 4. Assist the Department in undertaking action on issues related to EVAW/G as per the mandate and priorities of the Department. 5. Assist the Department in framing and effective implementation of the Gender Action Plans. 6. Develop and propose recommendations for restructuring of schemes and programmes of the Department that provide institutional support to women in difficult circumstances, including women facing gender-based violence, to ensure greater access by women to these schemes and programmes. 7. Develop resources to build capacities of relevant stakeholders on addressing Violence Against Women and Girls (VAW/G), including facilitation of knowledge building and management of documents related to EVAW/G. 8. Prepare briefing notes and updates on the status of women in India and the state of Rajasthan, particularly on issues related to EVAW/G.
Delhi 9. Prepare periodic progress reports of the work undertaken by the Department. 10. Strengthening coordination and implementation of DWCD initiatives to promote gender equality 11. Provide technical assistance to Department of Women and Child Development to strengthen and expand the mechanisms to address issues of violence against women and girls in public, private and work spaces. 12. Coordinate and work with other nodal departments towards drafting of an action plan for mainstreaming gender in their existing programmes and policies. 13. Undertake and coordinate training programmes of state, district and sub-district level officials, protection officers, frontline functionaries of schemes and programmes on gender and EVAWG. 14. Coordinate on the programmatic implementation with relevant partner organisations and agencies in the state. 15. Coordinate for activities on EVAW/G with relevant team members within the Department and UN Women, and work with them in close collaboration to ensure successful implementation of the programmes. 16. This will also include facilitating systematic coordination between UN Women and the Department of Women and Child Development, Rajasthan. Conducting research and analysis 17. Collection and compilation of data on status of violence against girls and women, with a focus on priority programmes of the Department. 18. Collection and compilation of information on different socio-economic schemes meant for women empowerment. 19. Support conducting assessment of existing schemes, policies and programmes for their impact on women. 20. Informing policy formulations through evidence based research 21. Research and analysis of the political, social and economic situation in the state/country and preparation of substantiveinputs for relevant documents. 22. Follow up Preparation of monthly performance reports. 23. Any other duties assigned by Supervisor from time to time. 24. Deliverables: Develop a workplan for UN Women to cooperate with the Rajasthan government on initiatives on women’s empowerment and gender equality particularly on ending violence against women. 25. Identify opportunities for co-funded collaboration with the Rajasthan government on issues of ending violence against women. 26. Developing action plan with the DWCD for gender mainstreaming of the development process in the state with specific focus on EVAW/G. 27. Facilitate and supervise trainings on ending violence against women and girls, with focus on select laws, policies and programmes for example (a) Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013; (b) Gender Biased Sex Selection; (c) Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005; (d) Rajasthan Prevention of Witch-hunting Act, 2015; (e) 28. One Stop Centres; (f) 181 Women Helpline and (g) Safety of Women and Girls in the City. 29. Periodical reporting as agreed by the Department. 30. All the information related to the assignment.
How To
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