Statistical Programmer (BCA, B.Sc)
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Faridabad - Gurgaon Rd, Expressway, , , Faridabad, Haryana 121001
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/BCA with one year experience OR B.Sc. in Physics/Maths/Statistics/0perations Research/Economics or in quantitative field with three years' experience. Experience should Programming for data analysis Previous use and familiarity of the following statistical analysis softwares: Ror STATA any be in Computer
Rs. 43,200/-
Previous experience in coordinating data management of clinical trials (preferably large multi-centre trials)
Creating and maintaining the database for the study. Program data validation checks and listings to identify data discrepancies. Program checks to integrate and reconcile data from external sources (including serious adverse events (SAE), lab results, ECGs, electronic patient records, medical devices and interactive voice response (VR)) into the primary clinical database. Review Case Report Forms and formatting of datasets extracts for accuracy and consistency. Provide programming support for annual reports and publications and final analysis.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
A soft copy of your passport size photo and signature. (jpeg/jpg/png format) A comprehensive CV containing details of qualification, positions held, professional experience /distinctions etc. Matriculation certificate (equivalent to 10th Standard)/ Mark sheet Intermediate certificate (equivalent to 12th Standard) / Mark sheet Graduation/Diploma degree certificate/ Mark sheet Post-Graduation degree/diploma (minimum duration 2 years) certificate & Mark sheet (if applicable) Relevant experience certificates Caste/Disability certificate in the format prescribed by the Govt. of India, if applicable
1. These are short-term positions and extension will be granted subject to satisfactory performance of the incumbents and tenure of the project for which they are selected. Those appointed to these positions will not have any claim for regularization of their employment. 2. All educational, professional and technical qualification should be from a recognized Board/University. 3. The experience requirement specified above shall be the experience acquired after obtaining the minimum educational qualifications specified for the post. 4. The experience requirement specified above shall be the experience acquired after obtaining the minimum educational qualifications specified for the post. 5. Closing date of online application will be the CRUCIAL DATE for determining eligibility with regard to age, essential qualification etc. 6. The age limit, qualification, experience and other requirements may be relaxed at the discretion of the competent authority, in case of candidates who are otherwise suitable. In case candidates are not found suitable for the posts notified, they can be offered lower post/ lower emoluments on the recommendation of the Selection Committee. 7. Age and other relaxations for direct recruits and departmental candidates: 1. By five years for candidates belonging to SC/ST communities. 2. By three years for candidates belonging to OBC communities. 3. For Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) falling under the following categories: 6) UR - ten years, i) OBC 13 years (ii) sc/ST - 15 4. Age is relaxable for Central Government servants up to five years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, from time-to-time. 5. There is no upper age limit for the Institute employees who are treated as departmental candidates. 8. All results will be published on our website and all future communications will be only through email 9. In case a large number of applications are received, screening will be done to limit the number of candidates to those possessing higher/relevant qualification and experience. 10. With regard to any provisions not covered in this notification, the bye laws of THSTI/ Govt. of India rules/ guidelines shall prevail.
Official Website Document