Banks Medical Consultant (MBBS, MS/MD)
No Of
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Ground Floor, Indrayani Hostel, College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, University Road, , Pune, Maharashtra 411016
1000/- per hour for the entire period of contract i.e. 03 (three) years. (ii) Out of total monthly remuneration so payable, a sum of 1000/- per month may be treated as conveyance expense.
a. The applicant should, at a minimum, possess an MBBS degree of any Indian university recognized by the Medical Council of India in the Allopathic system of medicine. b. Candidates having Master’s Degree in General Medicine may also apply. c. The applicant should have a minimum of two years’ experience in practising medicine in any hospital or clinic as a Medical Practitioner. d. The applicant should have his/her dispensary or place of residence within a radius of 10 kms from the Bank’s dispensary.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
1. Eligible candidates may apply as per the format given in only. The application should reach the Principal, College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, University Road, Pune – 411016 on or before 1700 hrs on October 05, 2021. 2. The application should be sent in a sealed cover super-scribed as ‘Application for the post of Bank’s Medical Consultant on contract basis with fixed hourly remuneration
1. To attend to the Banks’ dispensary at Ground Floor, Indrayani Hostel, College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, University Road, Pune-411016, during prescribed duty hours as mentioned in Para vii of the advertisement (or for longer periods as decided by the Bank) excluding Bank holidays except days declared as holidays for purposes of half yearly closing and annual closing subject to the condition that the dispensary will not be kept closed for two successive days. For more RBI Recruitment Please visit
RBI Recruitment 2. To advise free of charge, prescribe medicines and administer injections free of charge to the members of the staff including staff of the Bank on tour, the members of their families including dependent parents and retired employee members/their spouses who are members of the Medical Assistance Fund Scheme, who present themselves during the dispensary timings (the timings and/or duration may be changed as and when considered necessary by the Bank). i. To be available for consultation at his/her private clinic in urgent cases in respect of employees of the Bank at any time with charges at the rate prescribed in the Schedule. The Schedule of charges applicable to the Staff/Officers of the Bank would be made available on request. 3. To provide the facilities referred to in paragraph (2) above to the relatives of the employees who have been permitted to reside with them in the Bank’s Quarters and facilitate recovery of charges from the employees for credit to the Bank's account at the rates prescribed by the Bank from time to time.
Official Website Document