Professor (M.Ed, M.Phil/Ph.D)
Please check with the concern authority or website
Incharge (Recruitment), Central University of Punjab, VPO Ghudda, , Bathinda , Punjab 151401
The qualification and experience required for teaching posts will be as per UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education, 2018 and its amendments from time-to-time.
Rs. 144200/- in the Academic Pay level 14 as per 7 th CPC
How To
Apply For
Central University Of Punjab
Vacancy :
1. Applicants are required to apply online (through Link: The online link will go live on 11.09.2021 and will be available till 21.10.2021. 2. Applicants are required to apply online and retain duly signed printout of the online application form along with all the Qualification/ Experience/ Caste certificate/ proof of claim/NOC for interview, if called for. 3. For general queries & information, please contact: Incharge (Recruitment), Central University of Punjab, VPO Ghudda, District Bathinda PIN 151401 (Punjab)
1. The direct recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in the University shall be on the basis of merit through all India advertisement and selections by the duly constituted Selection Committees.
Ph. D 2. As per Act, Statutes and Rules of the University, the appointing authority for all regular teaching posts is Executive Council of the University. 3. A person registered as Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card holder under section 7A of the Citizenship Act, 1955, is also eligible to apply. 4. If any suitable PWD candidate(s) is found against any post (if eligible otherwise), the University, may consider to give preference to such candidates in order to give prescribed quota to PWD category candidates, irrespective of fact that the post was not earmarked for PWD candidates in the advertisement. 5. Mere fulfilling eligibility conditions will not entitle any candidate to be called for interview. Stringent criteria will be applied for short-listing the candidates. The University reserves the right to place reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for interview. 6. This advertisement contains department wise vacant positions. However, each department may require a particular specialization, therefore, the University reserves the right to shortlist/select candidates as per requirement of specialization/research area. 7. Candidates who have been awarded Ph.D. from foreign Universities should enclose Equivalence Certificate, issued by the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi, without which their candidature will not be considered and application will be rejected. However, the persons who have acquired Ph.D. degree from Foreign University through nomination by the Ministry of Education’s (earlier known as MHRD) foreign scholarship programme will be exempted from the Equivalency Certificate.
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