Post Graduate Assistant (B.Ed/BPEd/Post Graduate/M.Sc, MCA)
No Of
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Dr. MGR Centenary Building, DPI Campus, College Road,, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 006
(a) Post Graduate with atleast 50% marks (or its equivalent) and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.,) from a recognized University. The B.Ed degree should be in accordance with National Council for Teacher Education norms and standard. or (b) Post Graduate with atleast 45% marks (or its equivalent) from recognized University and Bachelor of Education
B. ED from National Council for Teacher Education recognized institution in accordance with the National Council for Teacher Education (Form of application for recognition, the time limit of submission of application, determination of norms and standards for recognition of teacher education programmes and permission to start new course or training) Regulations, 2002 notified on 13.11.2002 and National Council for Teacher Education (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations,2007 notified on 10.12.2007. or (c) Post Graduate with atleast 50% marks (or its equivalent) and B.A. Ed / B.Sc., B.Ed., from a recognized University. AND Must have obtained a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in the same languages or their equivalent in respect of which recruitment is made.
Rs. 36,900 - Rs. 116,600 /-Per Month
As per Section 6 of Special Rules for the Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Educational Services (G.O.Ms.No. 14, School Education (SE2(1)), 30th January 2020), no person shall be eligible for appointment by direct recruitment to this recruitment, if he has completed 40 years of age, on the First day of July of the recruitment year viz. 2021.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Applications are invited only through online mode from eligible candidates up to 05.00 P.M on 17.10.2021 for the Direct Recruitment for the post of Post Graduate Assistants / Physical Education Directors Grade-I /Computer Instructor Grade I in School Education and other Departments for the year 2020-2021. a) Candidates should apply only through online mode. b) Evidence for claims made by the candidate while applying online should be submitted by the candidate at the time of Certificate Verification, if called for
i. Candidates should ensure that they have their scanned recent color passport size photograph (JPG/JPEG /PNG format of size 20-60 KB) and signature (JPG/JPEG/PNG format of size 10-30 KB) separately. The candidates have to upload their photo image and signature image while applying online. The online application uploaded without the candidate’s photograph and candidate’s signature will be rejected. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. ii. A valid e-mail id and Mobile Number of candidate are mandatory for registration and e-mail id should be kept active as all the communications will be sent to the registered email id only.
TRB Tamil Nadu iii. Evidence of claims made in the online application should be submitted at the time of Certificate Verification, if called for. Any subsequent claim made thereafter on submission of online application will not be entertained at any cost. iv. Incomplete applications and applications containing false claims or incorrect particulars relating to category of reservation, basic qualifications, communal category and other eligibility criteria will be liable for rejection. v. The number of vacancies notified is only tentative and it is liable for modification with reference to vacancy position of User Departments before finalization of selection. vi. Possession or use of electronic devices such as Mobile phone, Micro phone or any other Associated Accessories, Calculator, Log Tables, Pager, Digital Diary, Books, Electronic equipment or gadgets, etc., are strictly prohibited in the Examination Hall. If any candidate is found in possession of any these devices/documents, candidate’s candidature is liable to be cancelled. Also, the candidate should not bring any valuables to the Examination Centre and the Centre shall not be responsible for their safe custody. vii. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification for selection. viii. No candidate should misbehave in any manner or create a disorderly scene in the Examination Centre or harass the staff employed by the Board during the conduct of the Examination. Any such misconduct will be viewed seriously and penalized accordingly. ix. Candidates will have to bear their own expenses to attend the Examination and the Certificate Verification, if called for. No T.A./D.A. will be paid. x. In the matter of recruitment, the decision of the Teachers Recruitment Board is final. xi. The online application can be submitted till 5.00pm on 17.10.2021 after which the link will be disabled. xii. All candidates are instructed to go through the instructions to candidates carefully before filling the online application. xiii. All the documents pertaining to selection (Qualification, Community, Horizontal Reservation Claim, etc.,) to be duly uploaded in the portal along with the application itself. Uploading of documents will not be allowed, after the last date of application.
Official Website Document