Junior Research Fellow (M.Pharma, M.Sc, MVSC, MS/MD)
No Of
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3rd Floor, Academic Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Saket Nagar,, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 462020
M.Sc or M.D. Pharmacology /M. Pharm/ M.VSc/ M.Sc Life Sciences/ M.Sc Biotechnology/ M.Sc Microbiology / M.Sc Biochemistry/ M.D. Ras Shastra & B.K.
31000/- per month + 16% HRA (Rs 4960) = Rs. 35960/-, as per rules of ICMR, New Delhi.
Upper age limit 30 years on the date of interview.
Expertise in Animal handling techniques such as Blood sampling, dosing, animal dissection etc., performing biochemical estimations, techniques like ELISA, and good knowledge of MS Office, M.S. Excel.
How To
Apply For
AIIMS Bhopal
Vacancy :
1. Application must be filled in the prescribed format (Attached along with advertisement). Only scanned copy of application proforma downloaded from AIIMS BHOPAL website ( ) and duly filled will be accepted. Incomplete applications or applications without prescribed format or received after due date will not be considered. 2. Filled applications as scanned copies along with scanned copies of their qualification and experience certificate as a single PDF file has to send to Dr Shubham Atal at by 4th October 2021. No hard copy or print needs to be sent. Candidates failing to send the application need not come for the interview. 3. The candidate should bring along original certificates in support of his/her age, educational/ professional qualification, experience etc., two recent passport size colour photographs and one set of self-attested photocopies of the relevant documents failing which he/she will not be allowed to participate in the interview/skill test. 4. Date of Interview: 11-10-2021. Only eligible candidates should report at the Department of Pharmacology, AIIMS Bhopal Medical College latest by 10:00 am on the day of interview. 5. Candidates are required to bring the self-attested copies of qualifying degree, age proof (Class 10th certificate), 2 passport size photograph, and documents supporting their claim of experience, thesis, training, publication or conference presentation. In case the candidate has published peer reviewed article(s), PUBMED ID and the first page of the article(s) should be presented at the time of document screening. Selected candidate will need to provide original documents for the verification at the time of joining, failing which the offer will stand cancelled.
1. It is candidates’ responsibility to ascertain and ensure their eligibility as per the prescribed qualification and experience. Any misinformation detected at any stage will make the candidate liable for legal action. Permission to appear in the selection process does not approve the eligibility of the candidate. Even after qualifying the selection process the candidate may be rendered disqualified at the time of document verification if he/ she does not fulfill essential eligibility criteria. 2. Tenure: The assignment will be governed as per the rules/ instructions received from the ICMR / competent authority from time to time. This appointment will not vest any right to claim by the candidate for regular appointment or permanent absorption in AIIMS Bhopal or ICMR or for continued contractual appointment. 3. Expiry of Contract: The contractual appointment can be terminated at any time by either side by giving 30 days’ notice or salary in lieu thereof. 4. Leave: The leave entitlement of the appointee shall be governed in terms of the ICMR leave policy governing extramural research projects as amended from time to time.
Madhya Pradesh 5. Accommodation: No hostel or any other accommodation will be provided by the Institute / Principal Investigator. 6. The candidate who is already in government service shall submit 'No Objection Certificate
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