Senior Accountant (CA/CMA) In NHPC Limited Recruitment
Senior Accountant (CA/CMA)
No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
NHPC Limited, NHPC Office Complex, Sector-33, , Faridabad, Haryana 121003
Intermediate CA or CMA. Pass candidates are eligible.
Maximum Age (as on 01.07.2021): 30 years
How To
Apply For
NHPC Limited
Vacancy :
1. Application registered without / incomplete documents uploaded shall be summarily rejected even though registration number has been generated. Candidate should not send any documents/ certificates or print out of Registration slip/ form through post. Step-1: Visit to & apply through online application portal available in the section “Career” with us. A candidate must possess valid E-mail id and mobile number which shall be active throughout the process as required for any further notification Step-2: Read all instructions given on the website to ensure your eligibility before applying. Step-3: Fill the Online application form with relevant details and submit. After successful submission an application ID shall be generated by the system which shall be kept and used for further communication Step-4: Scanned copies of following documents should be kept ready by the candidate before applying online registration for attachment: a. Matriculation/ secondary school certificate as proof of Date of Birth. b. Complete set of mark sheets/ certificates in support of qualification. c. Caste certificate in format prescribed by the Government of India. In case OBC candidates the community certificate should have been issued within 6 months before the date of registration. d. Disability certificate issued by Competent Authority (if applicable) Step-5: Upload latest photograph and signature as per instructions given in online application portal. Step-6: Take out the print of the registration form generated by the system in duplicate with Unique application ID for future references 2. Start Date for receiving online applications: 01/09/2021 (10:00 AM) 3. Last date for receipt of online applications: 30/09/2021 (11:55 PM)
1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. 2. Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the advertisement. 3. Candidate is required to obtain requisite marks / grade in essential qualification prescribed for the post, taking average of all the semesters / years irrespective of the weightage given to any particular semester / year by Institute / University. For more Government Jobs Please visit 4. The candidate should have acquired the qualifying educational qualification on or before 01.07.2021 to be eligible for applying. 5. Internal candidates having requisite qualifications are eligible to apply. They are advised to refer to internal circular before filling up the applications. 6. Candidate has to apply Online only. No manual / paper application/application through e-mail will be entertained. 7. The date of declaration of result / issuance of Mark sheet shall be deemed to be the date of acquiring the qualification and there shall be no relaxation on this account. Post qualification experience on a post / level shall be counted only from the said date onwards. 8. Candidature of the registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement. 9. Candidature is also liable to be rejected if it is without testimonials/ certificates. 10. The admit card indicating roll number, name of the allocated test centre, date of Computer Based Written Test and guidelines for the test will be made available on the NHPC website to the candidates found apparently eligible based on the online data. Candidates will also be informed through e-mail. The candidate has to download his / her Admit card, Test Guidelines etc. for appearing in the test from the website. Admit cards will not be sent by post. 11. The candidature of all candidates shall be provisional. 12. Candidates are advised to keep their e-mail ID active at least for one year. No change in e-mail ID will be allowed once entered. All future correspondence shall be sent via e-mail only.
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