Walking/Roller Furnace Operator (Diploma) In Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited Recruitment
Walking/Roller Furnace Operator (Diploma)
No Of
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Lodhi Rd, CGO Complex, Pragati Vihar,, New Delhi, Delhi 110003
60% of marks in Diploma in Engineering (Metallurgy / Mechanical) with 4 years post qualification experience in operation of Furnaces. Candidates with experience in LPG fired walking/ roller hearth furnace will be given preference.
In Lakhs Scale of pay (IDA): 4.7 Rs.21,900-3%
Upper age limit as on 04.09.21: 30 - 35 yrs
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
1. Interested and eligible candidates can visit the MIDHANI URL:://www.midhani-india.in - careers - e-recruitment and then read carefully the eligibility criteria and the instructions to apply online. 2. Application should be submitted strictly “ONLINE” by logging on to MIDHANI website given above. The website will be kept open between 1000 Hrs on 04.09.2021 till 1700 Hrs. on 18.09.2021 for this purpose. 3. Candidates are required to possess a valid e-mail ID and contact mobile phone number, which is to be entered in the application so that intimation regarding written test / trade / proficiency can be sent. MIDHANI will not be responsible for bouncing of e-mail sent to the candidates.
1. Only Indian nationals may apply. 2. The cutoff date for all requisite parameters is 04.09.2021 3. Age, qualification & experience stipulated above should be as on 04.09.2021 4. The upper age limit indicated above is for unreserved category. Age relaxation is applicable in accordance with the Government of India orders issued from time to time. 5. Management reserves the right to restrict / increase the number of posts & alter the eligibility criteria. Management reserves the right to devise its own selection criteria. 6. Last date for submission of online applications will be 18.09.2021 7. Appearance of the shortlisted candidates for the written test / trade test is provisional and it does not entitle them any claim for the post. For more Government Jobs Please visit https://askbypeople.blogspot.com 8. Candidates will be treated as debarred ab-initio at any stage of the recruitment process in case they do not fulfill essential eligibility criteria. Incomplete applications in any respect will be summarily rejected. 9. MIDHANI reserves the right to cancel the advertisement and / or the selection process there under without assigning any reasons. Decision of MIDHANI Management regarding selection will be final. 10. Further, MIDHANI Management reserves the right to fill up or otherwise any or all the notified posts and also to fill up future vacancies if any from the valid panel of selected candidates as per the rules of the company. 11. Medium of selection tests (Written, Practical/Trade Test) will be in English only. 12. Canvassing in any form or bringing outside influence will lead to disqualification. 13. Before applying, the candidates should satisfy themselves regarding eligibility criteria desired for the post. 14. Necessary information regarding the Selection, Written Test, Practical/Trade Test etc. will be hosted on MIDHANI URL://www.midhani-india.in from time to time. Candidates are requested to visit the website from time to time. 15. Corrigendum if any related to this advertisement shall be given only on our website www.midhani-india.in 16. Candidates seeking reservation as EWS / OBC are required to submit a recent certificate regarding his / her EWS/ OBC-Non Creamy Layer issued by competent authority 17. 10% relaxation in respect of eligible qualification marks subject to a minimum of 45% shall be given to SC/ST candidates for posts at S.No.1, 2 & 4 18. Relevant documents (marks sheets etc.) pertaining to eligible qualification percentages as mentioned in the advertisement against S.No. 1 to 8 posts are to be mandatorily uploaded by the candidates at the time of filling the application from along with other documents.
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