Assistant Technician - ITI pass/10TH Passed
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Oil India Limited Duliajan , Dibrugarh , Assam 786 602
Class 10 passed from Govt recognized Board Candidate must be trade certificate holder in the trade of Electrician from Govt. Recognized ITI / Institute with 2 (two) years duration Must possess valid electrical workman permit issued by Electrical Licensing Board, Govt of Assam
Grade -III Pay Scale 26,600.00 – 90,000.00
Minimum 18 Years and Maximum 35 Years
How To
Apply For
Oil India Limited
Vacancy :
Candidate(s) fulfilling the above criteria would be required to apply online through the link available on the Oil India Limited website (https://www.oil- from 01.09.2021, 10:00AM to 21/09/2021, 11.59 PM (Midnight).
(i) In view of the current situation arising out of COVID-19 pandemic, all applicable guidelines/directives/orders issued by the Government pertaining to COVID-19 pandemic situation will be strictly followed and as such, the selection process might get delayed/extended/postponed/cancelled in line with the Government guidelines. Hence, the candidates are advised to keep checking OIL’s website regularly. (ii) Candidates are advised to strictly abide by all the applicable guidelines/directives/orders issued by the Government pertaining to COVID-19 pandemic situation and accordingly, take all necessary precautionary safety measures (wearing of mask, carrying hand sanitizer, maintaining social distance, maintaining hygiene etc.) during the selection process. (iii) Candidate(s) are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of eligibility criteria and selection methodology before submission of the online application form. (iv) Candidate(s) are advised to furnish the correct information about their qualification, age, caste category etc. For more Government Jobs Please visit (v) Valid caste certificate by SC/ST candidate(s) in the prescribed format as per Government of India Guidelines ( available at ) and issued by competent authority indicating clearly the candidate’s caste /community , the Act / Order under which the caste isrecognized as SC/ST. Please note that no otherformat of SC/ST caste certificate shall be accepted. (vi) For claiming the benefit of OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) category, the candidate(s) must produce a latest caste certificate as per proforma prescribed by Government of India (available at https://www.oil- openings) and issued by the Competent Authority which would, amongst others, specifically mention that the candidate(s) do not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer). (vii) Candidate(s) seeking reservation under Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) category must produce a valid Income and Assets Certificate issued by the Competent Authority as per the prescribed format of the Government of India (available at with regard to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS). (viii) Candidate(s) who are Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) will have to upload disability certificate at the time of application in support of their claims clearly indicating that the degree of physical disability is 40% or more, in the prescribed format available at (, as per Government of India Guidelines issued by the Notified Medical Authority. Please note that no other format of PwBD certificate shall be accepted. (ix) Candidates with benchmark disabilities desirous to use his/her own scribe facility at own cost and arrangement will have to choose appropriate option while applying online and upload scanned copy of relevant declaration by the candidate such as (i) Certificate in the specified format to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to operate computer , and scribe is essential to operate computer and type for examination on his/her behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a Govt. health care institution, (ii) Specimen Signature & coloured passport photograph of the scribe. The respective scanned image resolution and format for passport photo, signature and required certificates should be as referred under the heading ‘Instructions regarding scanning of photograph, Signature and Certificates’ in ‘How to Apply’ part. (x) In case of Ex-servicemen, candidate(s) must upload valid Discharge Book / Service and release certificate along with the application.
Official Website Document