Insurance Medical Officer (MBBS)
No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
Jawahar Nagar, Khanapara, , Guwahati, Assam 781022
Minimum qualification should be MBBS having Registration under Assam Medical Council, 1960.
Pay scale + Grade Pay + Other allowances as admissible to the Assam State Government employees from time to time (per month). a) Pay scale - Rs. 30,000/- to 1,10,000/- b) Grade Pay: Rs. 12,700/- c) Pay band: PB - 4
The candidates should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as on 01/01/2021.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
1. Applicants are required to apply online through APSC’s recruitment website. No other means/ mode of application will be accepted and the Application will be summarily rejected. 2. Applicants who have not registered yet, in Online Recruitment Portal of APSC are first required to go to the APSC’s recruitment website and register themselves by clicking on ‘Register Here’ link and complete the user registration process by providing basic details. 3. Candidates are advised to register with valid and active e-mail address in the online application. Interview schedule and requirements with regard to copies of certifcates to be submitted in respect of claims made in the online application, will be intimated to the candidates through the website of the commission in due course of time. 4. After creating an account, applicants need to login with the credentials. 5. After login, applicants need to provide One Time Registration details such as Personal Information, Educational Qualification, Work Experience, Photo (Min size-20 KB & Max size-200 KB and not older than 3 months) & Signature (Min size-20 KB & Max size-200 KB) and other required documents. Once these details are submitted, applicants will be able to download the One Time Registration details. Then applicants can click on Home-Dashboard and see the live advertisements of APSC in ‘Apply Section’. Please note that One Time Registration details need to be provided only once. 6. The applicants are advised to read the eligibility criteria and other relevant details carefully before applying for the advertisement. Mandatory fields in the online form are marked with * (asterisk) sign. 7. Candidates must submit the details of documents like Certificate No., Issue date, Issuing authority and upload the documents/certificates (whenever asked for) in support of the claims made by them in the Application Form like, Date of Birth, Experience, Qualification(s) etc. or any other information, in pdf file in such a way that the file size does not exceed 200 KB and is legible when a printout taken. For that purpose, the applicant may scan the documents/certificates in 200 dpi grey scale. 8. Document details submitted in the online application form will be verified at the time of Personal Viva-Voce Interview. 9. Applicant should carefully fill all the information as asked in the application form and click on the declarations checkbox to enable the ‘Preview’ button before final submission. 10. Applicants must ensure all relevant fields in the application are filled in correctly before final submission, since editing after final submission will not be allowed. 11. After previewing the details filled in by the applicant he/she can either click ‘Submit’ for final submission or click ‘Cancel’ button for necessary corrections before final submission of the Application Form. 12. On completion of form submission applicant has to pay application fee along with processing fee as applicable. 13. Application fee once paid by the applicant will not be refunded. 14. In case of failure of the payment applicant should click on button ‘Validate Payment’ to verify the payment from bank. In instances of double debit i.e. amount debited twice for the same transaction, the bank will automatically refund the fee to the applicant within 5-7 working days. 15. On successful completion of your complete application, an auto-generated email message will be sent on your registered email-id. 16. Applicant’s application will not be considered if fee is not paid for that application. 17. Applicant may also fill their online form through Common Service Centers. Applicants without debit card/Internet banking may visit nearest CSCs. 18. Candidates with less than 40% disability will not be considered for any relaxation which is applicable to Persons with benchmark disability candidates.
1. The candidates before applying for the post(s)/service(s) should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions. Their admission at all the stages of selection in which they are admitted by the Commission will be purely provisional and under scrutiny, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time or any stage before or after the Screening Examination or Written Examination and Interview Test, it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions; their candidature for the post(s)/service(s) will be cancelled by the Commission. 2. It is for the candidates themselves to see whether they satisfy the prescribed physical requirement (physical standard) and whether he/she is eligible to apply where Examination of physical standard is conducted by the State Govt. before making any appointment. 3. No request for withdrawal of candidature received from a candidate after he/she has submitted his/her application will be entertained under any circumstances. 4. At any stage of the selection process no candidate shall be allowed to change his/her category (of caste etc)/sub-category/sub-categories as claimed by him/her in the original application form/online application form submitted to the Commission. 5. The candidates who furnish wrong, erroneous or incorrect information in their application form may be disqualified from appearing for any post before the Commission up to a period to be specified by the Commission. 6. In case of detection of any false declaration / statement made by any applicant, his/her application will be rejected and will also be penalized as per prevailing Rules/Law. If in any case, submission of false material facts with a view to hoodwinking the Commission is detected even after the recommendation is made, the Commission may refer the matter to Government for taking necessary action. 7. The candidates shall have to produce identity proof like Pan Card, Driving Licence,Passport, Current ID card issued by the educational institutions, Voter ID Card, Aadhar Card (wherever applicable) at the time of Screening/Written test and Viva- Voice/ Interview. 8. The date for determining the eligibility of all candidates in every respect shall be the closing date for submitting the Online Recruitment Application on the website unless specifically mentioned in the recruitment advertisement.
Assam 9. Candidates must, if required, attend a personal interview/VIVA-VOCE at a specific place, as may be fixed by the Commission. The Commission does not defray the traveling or other expenses of candidates summoned for interview. 10. Candidates must be in sound bodily health. They must, if selected be prepared to undergo such medical examination and satisfy such medical authority as Government may require. 11. Candidates will be informed of the final result in due course through APSC website/News paper and any interim enquiries about the result are therefore, unnecessary and will not be attended to. The Commission do not enter into correspondence with the candidates about reasons for their non selection for interview/appointment. 12. Canvassing in any form will disqualify a candidate.
Official Website Document