Controller of Examinations (Post Graduate)
No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
The Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Vani Road, Mhasrul,, Nashik , Maharashtra 422004
Master's Degree of any statutory University with at least 55% marks OR its equivalent grade of B in the U.G.C. 7 point scale; OR Master's Degree of any statutory University in Health Science;
As per 7th Pay Scale S-29: 131100- 216600
Candidate shall not be less than 45 years of age. However, the age limit shal not be applicable to those candidates who are already in the service of Government, Universities, Affiliated Colleges or recognized institutions.
Experience 15 years of teaching experience as Lecture / Assistant Professor and above out of which 8 years of serviced as a Reader Associate Professor and above, along with experience in educational administration; OR Comparable experience in research establishment and or other institution of higher education; OR 15 years administrative experience, of which 08 years shall be as Deputy Registrar or of an equivalent post;
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Complete application duly signed by the candidate should be sent to The Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Vani Road, Mhasrul, Nashik - 422004 so as to reach on or before 01/10/2021. Applications received by the University after last date of submission will be rejected. University will not be held responsible for any postal delay. No correspondence wil be entertained by the University in this regard.
1. Envelope should be superscripted as Application for Controller of Examinations post, Advertisement No. 02/2021. 2. A recent passport size photograph duly self-attested should be affixed on the application. 3. Incomplete applications/ applications which are not in conformity with the requirements indicated or which are not in the prescribed format, overwriting erased applications or application without processing fees shall not be considered. 4. The applications received through E-MAIL will not be considered.
Post Graduates 5. It is mandatory for the candidates, who are already in the service, to send their application through proper channel. They shall, however, send advance copy of the application along with enclosures and fees before cutoff date. 6. It is mandatory to produce all original required documents with Photo identity proof (Aadhar/ PAN card) at the time of interview for verification, for all eligible candidates. 7. Certificate from the Head of Institution or the Competent Authority stating that no enquiry is pending against the applied candidate. 8. Non-compliance of instructions wherever applicable, shall disqualify the candidate. 9. Any relaxation entitled to Reserved Category candidates as per Govt. rules will be admissible.
MUHS - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences 10. The principle of Creamy Layer is applicable to all categories (except Open, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes) i.e. V.J.(A), N.T. (B), N.T.(C), N.T.(D), S.B.C., O.B.C. and women as per the orders regarding the implementation of the said provisions issued by the Government vide Circular of Social Justice, Cultural Affairs and Special Assistance Department No. CBC 10/2006/PK- 15/BCC-5 dated 5th June, 2006. Candidates belong to said categories are required to submit appropriate Caste Certificate and Non-Creamy Layer Certificate accordingly. 11. The candidates belonging to VJ(A), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC, SBC and Women Reservation categories must have to submit valid Non-Creamy Layer Certificate issued by the Competent Authority, failing to which the benefits of Reservation will not be applicable.
Official Website Document