Business Law MCQs With Answers 141. Which of the following statement is true?
A contract with a minor is voidable at the option of the minor An agreement with the minor can be ratified after he attains majority A person who is usually of an unsound mind cannot enter into contract even when he is of a sound mind A person who is usually of an sound mind cannot enter into contract even when he is of a unsound mind View answer Correct answer: (D) A person who is usually of an sound mind cannot enter into contract even when he is of a unsound mind
142. Which of the following statement is true?
A threat to commit suicide does not amount to coercion Undue influence involves use of physical pressure Ignorance of law is no excuse Silence always amounts to fraud View answer Correct answer: (C) Ignorance of law is no excuse
143. A contract is discharged by recission which means the;
Change in one or more terms of the contract Acceptance of lesser performance Abandonment of rights by a party Cancellation of the existing contract View answer Correct answer: (D) Cancellation of the existing contract
144. Generally, which of the following damages are not recoverable?
Ordinary damages Special damages Remote damages Nominal damages View answer Correct answer: (C) Remote damages
145. A, by a letter dated 25th December 1998, offers to sell his house to B for Rs.10 lakhs. The letter reaches on 27th Dec.1998, who posts his acceptance on 28th Dec. 1998 which reaches A on 30th Dec.1998. Here the communication of offer is completed on;
25th Dec.1998 27th Dec.1998 28th Dec.1998 30th Dec.1998 View answer Correct answer: (B) 27th Dec.1998
146. For entering into a contract, a minor is a person who has not completed the age of;
16 years 18 years 20 years 21 years View answer Correct answer: (B) 18 years
147. A threatens to kill B if he does not agrees to sell his scooter from him for Rs.1000. Here B's consent is obtained by
A undue influence Fraud Coercion None of these View answer Correct answer: (C) Coercion
148. Which of the following statement is false?
A contract is not voidable if fraud or misrepresentation does not induce the other party to enter a contract. A party cannot complain of fraudulent silence or misrepresentation if he had the means of discovering the truth with ordinary means In case of fraud or misrepresentation, aggrieved party can either rescind or affirm the contract A party who affirms the contract , can also change his option afterwards if he so decides View answer Correct answer: (D) A party who affirms the contract , can also change his option afterwards if he so decides
149. The consideration or object of agreement is considered unlawful, if is
Forbidden by law Fraudulent Immoral All of these View answer Correct answer: (D) All of these
150. An agreement in restraint of marriage, ie, which prevents a person from marrying is
Valid Voidable Void Contingent View answer Correct answer: (C) Void