Assistant Professor (MS/MD)
No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
Recruitment Cell, AllMS Patna, Phulwarisharif,, Patna, Bihar 801507
(i) A medical qualification included in the I or II schedule or part II of the third schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (person possessing qualifications included in part II of third schedule should also fulfil the condition specified in section 13(3) of the Act.) (ii) A post graduate qualification e.g. MD/MS or a recognized qualification equivalent thereto in the respective discipline/subject.
Rs. 1,00,000/- per month (consolidated).
Not exceeding 50 (Fifty) years as on the last date of submission of Application Form.
Three years teaching and/or research experience in recognized institution in the subject of specialty after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D. /M.S. or qualification recognized equivalent thereto.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
The duly filled application form with the slip of fee within 30th day of the advertisement published in the Employment News/Rojgar Samachar by Speed/Registered Post to Recruitment Cell, AllMS Patna, Phulwarisharif, Patna (Bihar)- 801507. The institute shall not be responsible for any postal delay. Application not received within the due date shall be rejected. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained by the institute.
1. The appointment is purely on CONTRACT BASIS for a period of one year or till such time the alternate arrangements are made, whichever is earlier, with effect from the date of joining. However, the contractual appointment shall not be extended beyond the period of two years. If the contract is not extended further, the same will lapse automatically. The appointment can also be terminated at any time, on either side, by giving one month's notice or by paying one month's salary, without assigning any reason or failure to complete the period of three months to the satisfaction of competent authority. 2. The appointee shall perform the duties as assigned to him/her. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional allowances will be admissible in case of such assignment.
Assistant Professor 3. The appointee shall not be entitled to any benefit like Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity, Medical Attendance Treatment, Seniority, Promotion etc. or any other benefits available to the Government Servants, appointed on regular basis. The appointee shall not be granted any claim or right for regular appointment to any post of AllMS. 4. The appointee shall be on the whole time appointment of the AllMS and shall not accept any other assignment, paid or otherwise and shall not engage himself/herself in a private practice of any kind during the period of contract. The appointment to the said post will be subject to medical fitness from the competent medical board for which he/she will be sent to the designated Medical Authority. 5. On appointment, the appointee will be required to take an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India or make a solemn affirmation to that effect in the prescribed proforma. 6. The appointee is not entitled to any T.A. för attending the interview and joining the appointment. 7. Other conditions of service will be governed by relevant rules and orders issued from time to time. 8. If any declaration given or information furnished by him/her proves false or if he/she is found to have willfully suppressed any material, information, he/she will be liable for removal from service and also such other action as the Government may deem necessary. 9. The appointee shall not be entitled to avail any allowances/facilities being extended to the regu lar/permanent faculty members of the AIIMS. The AIIMS, Patna reserves the rights to increase or decrease the number of vacancies. 10. There shall be 4% horizontal reservation for person with disabilities as per Govt. of India rules. Person who wants to avail the benefit of reservation would have to submit a Disability Certificate issued by a competent authority in prescribed format.
Official Website Document