Assistant Professor (M.Phil/Ph.D)
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Muttukadu, East Coast Road, Kovalam , Chennai , Tamil Nadu 603 112
M.Phil in Clinical or Rehabilitation Psychology (Full Time Course) from a RCI recognized Institute. Minimum 5 years experience in teaching /research in the field of rehabilitation
Rs.67,000-2,08,700/- Level -11 (7th CPC)
Upper Age Limit as on last date of receipt of applications: Not exceeding 45 yrs.
Ph.D. in related field of Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Application form as per the prescribed format given in our website, duly supported with attested photocopies of the complete and upto date APAR for the last five years in case of serving Govt. employees applying, shall be submitted within 30 days of publication of this advertisement in Employment News. The applications should be forwarded to “The Director, NIEPMD”, at the address given above. Applications received late will not be considered and the fee is forfeited to the organization.
1. The applicant must be a citizen of India.
Assistant Professor 2. If space is insufficient, shall enclose in separate sheet in the above format 3. The candidates selected on direct recruitment will be governed by the provisions of the New Pension Scheme introduced by the Government of India w.e.f. 01/01/2004. 4. The applicants serving in Government/Central Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertakings/Universities must send their applications through proper channel. 5. The applicants claiming experience should submit the latest Experience –cum- Service Certificate issued by the present employer (with date of issue of the certificate after publication of this advertisement), clearly stating the name of the post presently held in regular capacity, date of initial appointment and to the present post, scale of pay, nature of duties presently dealing with and should enclose a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE clearly certifying that “the applicant is in possession of I. EQ, DQ, prescribed experience and presently holding the post etc., and is fully eligible for the post applied for” and “No Vigilance/Inquiry/Disciplinary case is either pending nor contemplated against the applicant” on the date of submission/forwarding of application. If the Experience-cum- Service Certificate and the certificate from the present employer, as asked above are not found enclosed, the application will be rejected. 6. Relaxation in upper age limit is applicable as per the norms of GOI to SC/ST/OBC/PH/Exservicemen/employees already working in Central Government Departments, etc. 7. The envelope containing the application should be super scribed as “Application for the post of and sent to Director, NIEPMD to the above address by Speed / Registered post /Courier etc. 8. The Management reserves the right to call only those candidates who according to its decision rank high in term of eligibility criteria among the applications received and mere possessing the EQ / DQ and experience will not entail any candidate a right to be considered eligible for the post. The final list of candidates called for interview/written test is based on short-listing of candidates by a duly constituted screening committee. 9. The management also reserves the right to restrict the number of applicants for interview depending upon the level of response for each post. The management also reserves the right not to fill up the post or any of the advertised posts. It reserves the right to offer lower position to the candidate(s) depending upon nature of experience possessed by the candidate. It also reserves the right to reject any applicant, cancel the part or candidature without any assigning any reason(s) thereof. 10. In case of any inadvertent mistake/error in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of offer of appointment, NIEPMD(D) reserves the right to withdraw / cancel /modify any communication made to the candidate. 11. NIEPMD(D) will not arrange any travel, boarding and lodging facility for the candidates. Candidates will have to make their own arrangement for attending interview.
Official Website Document