Assistant Professor - M.A, M.Sc
No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri, , Mysuru, Karnataka 570006
a) Master's degree with 55% marks in the discipline mentioned above OR its equivalent. b) Two years research/ teaching/ clinical experience.
Level 11 of VII CPC
Upto 40 Years
Publication in National & International Journals of repute.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
a) The application along with relevant forms may be downloaded from our website b) Interested candidates who meet the requirement, may send their applications along with self-attested copies of Matriculation / SSLC / Diploma/ Degree Provisional Degree Certificate and mark cards for all the semesters / years, SC/ST/ OBC/ EWS/ PWD Certificate, Gist and copy of publications, and other testimonials in support ofexperience and other claims in the application. i. Address for sending the applications: Office of the Chief Administrative Officer All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysuru—570006. Envelope should be super-scribed Application for the post of Post Code c) The last date of receipt of application is 08,10,2021 at 5.30 P'M. The applications received after the last date for any reason will not be entertained. d) Applications received after the last dale or with insufficient information w.r.t PhD certificate / proof for having guided doctoral students / any semester mark cards / Masters degree certificate / Bachelors degree certificate / Diploma certificate / ITI / HSC / PUC' / SSLC DOB proof/ Caste certificate / Experience (experience claimed without proof shall not be considered) / NOC / Signature / recent photograph/ Gist and copy of publications would not be considered. e) Those applications will be summarily rejected at the time of screening of the applications itself— No further correspondences will be entertained in this regard.
1. It is intended to fill the above posts on regular basis at this Institute. 2. All the details furnished in the offline application will be treated as final and no changes shall be entertained. All applicants must possess the essential qualification prescribed for the post applied for and fulfill other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. 3. The prescribed Essential Qualifications/Educational qualifications are a bare minimum and mere possession of it, will not entitle the candidates to be considered for the post. The candidates should furnish all the Qualifications and Experience possessed in the relevant field, over and above the minimum qualifications prescribed for consideration of their candidature. Rehabilitation professionals shall hold a valid registration with RCI. 4. The qualifications prescribed should have been obtained through recognized Universities/ Institutions. 5. Ifa candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the advertisement, then the candidate is required to produce order/ letter in this regard issued under signature of the competent authority. The decision of the Director, AIISH in this regard shall be final. 6. In case of Boards/ Universities/ Institutes awarding CGPA/ SGPA/ Overall Grade Point Average(OGPA)/Diploma/Degree Grade Point Average(DGPA)/ Cumulative Performance Index(CPl) etc., candidates are required to convert the same into percentage based on the formula as per their Boards/ Universities/ Institutes. i. A copy of conversion formula issued by the authority should be enclosed, otherwise candidate will not have any claim on the percentage calculated by the Scrutiny Committee. 7. The application has to be invariably accompanied with a 'No Objection Certificate' from the employer concerned, by those who are already in employment under Central/State Government, Public Sector Undertakings or Autonomous Bodies, duly indicating the name and post applied for. 8. Employees Under Disciplinary Proceedings: Employees against whom disciplinary Proceedings are pending or contemplated shall not be considered for appointment on Direct recruitment. 9. The scales of pay notified are as per 7th CPC Recommendations. 10. The posts carry usual allowances i.e., DA, HRA, and TA etc., as admissible to Central Government employees posted at Mysuru. 11. Candidates are encouraged to apply for posts reserved for the respective category by enclosing appropriate certificates issued by competent authorities.
Official Website Document