High Court of Delhi Recruitment 2021
Common Assistant Accounts Officer In High Court Of Delhi Recruitment
Common Assistant Accounts Officer
No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
Vikas Bhawan, I. P. Estate, , New Delhi, Delhi 110002
Rs. 44,900 - Rs. 142,400 /-Per Month
Not more than 53 years of age
i. All the officials belonging to Subordinate Services of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi carrying the pay scales up to Level-7: Rs.44900-142400 of Pay Matrix are eligible to appear in the Examination provided they are not more than 53 years of age and have rendered at least three years of regular service in the said grade as on the first day of April of the year for which the examination is to be held. (Subordinate Service means the Grade-IV, Ill, II of Delhi Administration Subordinate Service Cadre, Delhi Administration Stenographer Cadre, Delhi Administration Statistical Cadre and EDP Cadre of Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi). ii. All Group & 'B' Non-Gazetted employees of Delhi High Court, District & Session Courts and Delhi Jal Board, equivalent to Subordinate Services of Govt. of NCT of Delhi as defined in Sub Clause (d) of Ciause 2 on Notification on Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Common Assistant Accounts Officer Examination) Regulations, 2017, are eligible to appear in the Examination provided they are not more than 53 years of age and have rendered at least three years of regular service in the said grade as on the first day of April of the year for which the examination is to be held. iii. The eligibility of the candidates appearing in the Examination is subject to his/her work, conduct and clear vigilance status, to be certified by the Head of Office. iv. The employees of Delhi High Court, District Courts officials and Delhi Jal Board, after qualifying the Common Assistant Accounts Officer Examination, will seek appointment in their own cadre only and shall not have any right to be absorbed in the Organized Accounts Cadr!e of Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
How To
Apply For
High Court Of Delhi
Vacancy :
1. The applications of eligible officials in the prescribed proforma duly recommended by the concerned Head of Office along with three recent passport size photographs (one duly attested) should reach this office through proper channel by the stipulated date. 2. Candidates who are appearing in both Part-I and Part-II Examinations are required to send two separate applications (one for Part-I and one for Part-II). A copy of the detailed scheme of Common AAO Examination having details of examination, syllabus of all the papers of Part-I and Part-II Examination and Application forms are available at URL https://finance.delhigovt.nic.in/sites/default/ files/AII-PDF/ 1050/02301092017 .pdf 3. Programme Of Examination: i. Last date of Receipt of Application Form 30.07.2021 (up to 5:00 PM) ii. Receipt of request for withdrawal 06.08.2021 (up to 5:00 PM) (No withdrawal will be allowed after 06.08.2021) 4. Kindly arrange to circulate the above information to the notice of all the employees working in. your office/attached/subordinate offices under your control and ensure that .the applications of the desirous and eligible candidates are forwarded so as to reach this office latest by 30.07.2021 at 5:00 PM.
Official Website Document