1. The market dealing in the long and medium term funds is known as? 5. Who is the current Chairman of the SEBI?



1.         The market dealing in the long and medium term funds is known as?

a)         Financial Market

b)         Money Market

c)         Capital Market

d)        Secondary Market


2.         The Securities and Exchange Board of India was constituted in?

a)         April, 1988

b)         March, 1982

c)         July, 1992

d)        Dec. 1974


3.         According to Securities Contract(Regulation) Act, 1956 the term ‘ Securities include:

a)         Government securities

b)         Rights or interest in securities

c)         Shares, scrip’s, stocks, Bonds, debenture stock or marketable securities

d)        Such other instruments as may be declared by Central Government to be securities

e)         All of these

f)          None of these


4.         Which section of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act enlists grant of recognition to stock exchanges?

a)         Section 4

b)         Section 2

c)         Section 3

d)        Section 5


5.         Who is the current Chairman of the SEBI?

a)         U.K. Sinha

b)         Ajay Tyagi

c)         T.S. Vijayan

d)        A.K. Mathur


6.         A merchant bank is a financial institution conducting money market activities and:

a)         Lending

b)         Underwriting and financial advice

c)         Investment service

d)        All of the above

e)         None of the above


7.         In India Merchant banking along with management of public issues and loan syndication covering activities like-

a)         Project counselling

b)         Portfolio management

c)         Investment counselling

d)        Mergers and amalgamation of the corporate firms

e)         Securities and exchange

i) a,b,d,e

ii) a,b,c,d

iii) b,c,d,e


8.         Types of Institutional Investors Includes:

(a)      Mutual funds

(b)      Endowment fund

(c)       Insurance company

(d)      Commercial banks

(e)      All of these

(f)        None of these     


9.         SEBI Act was passed in ___________.

(a) 1988                       (b) 1990                  (c) 1991             

          (d) 1992


10.     The objectives of SEBI include ___________.

(a)      To protect interests of inventors

(b)      To regulate securities market

(c)       To promote the development of the market

(d)      All of the above


11.     The regulatory body for the securities market in India is __________.

(a) RBI                  (b) SEBI            (c) IRDA          (d) Stock exchanges.


12.     Equity shares and preference shares are ownership securities, also known as ___________

(a) Debt capital           (b) Capital stock         (c) Fixed capital     

  (d) Capital issue


13.     Bonds, debentures etc. are creditor ship securities, also known as ___________.

(a) Debt capital       (b) Capital stock    (c) Working capital 

     (d) Capital issue


14.     The companies Act (Sec. 85) describe preference shares as those which carry a ___________right to payment of dividend during the life time of the company.

(a) Dividend            (b) Interest         (c) Preferential      

     (d) Priority


15.     Debenture is a____________ instrument issued by the company with a promise to pay interest and repay the principal on maturity.

(a) Credit              (b) Debt                 (c) Cash                    (d) Negotiable


16.     Underwriters charge a commission for their service which is known as ____________.

a)         Commission

b)         Penalty

c)         Underwriting charge

d)        Underwriting commission


17.     The market dealing in the long and medium term funds is known as

a)         Financial Market

b)         Money Market

c)         Capital Market

d)        Secondary Market


18.   Stock broker means a member of a ____________.

(a) SEBI                       (b) RBI                      (c) SBI                         (d) Stock exchange


19.     Market for borrowing and lending short term funds is called ___________

(a) Money market     (b) Capital market      (c) Derivative market       (d) Forex market


20.     Who controls money market?

(a) RBI                      (b) SBI                   (c) DFHI                              (d) SIDBI


21. A person Appointed by a stock broker to assist him in the business of securities trading is called

a)         Sub brokers

b)         Commission brokers

c)         Tarawaniwalas

d)        Jobbers


22.     Which of the following statement is not true with regard to capital market?

a)         The funds are raised for a short period of time.

b)         Both debt and equity funds can be raised.

c)         It is classified into two types

d)        All of the above


23.     Which of the following statements is not true with regard to primary market?

a)         It is known as the old issues market

b)         It facilitates the transfer of investible funds from savers to entrepreneurs

c)         It deal with new secrutities being issued for the first time

d)        It facilitaes the transfer of investible


24.     The capital market consists of

a.          Development banks

b.         Commercial banks

c.          Stock exchanges

d.         All of the above


25.     What is called “Blue Chip”?

a)         Companies which are run by large corporate houses

b)         A company whose shares always provides profit

c)         A multination company

d)        A company which is listed on a foreign stock exchange


26.     A company can raise capital through the primary market in the form of

a)         Equity shares

b)         Preference shares

c)         Debentures

d)        All of the above


27.     Market makers are intermediaries appointed by ___________ to sell or buy its securities at any time as per agreed contract.

(a) RBI         (b) Stock exchange             (c) Company         (d) None of these


28.  The process of artificially increasing or decreasing the price is known as ____________

(a) Price bond          (b) Price rigging        (c) Cover system      (d) none of these


29.     _________is a market where unlisted securities are dealing.

(a) Grey market       (b) Kerb market       (c) Capital markets       (d) None of these.


30.     Two types of pension funds includes:

a)         Define Benefit funds

b)         Define Contribution funds

c)         Maturity funds

d)        Both (a) and (b)


31.     Which of the following are the major instruments of the money market

a)         Call money

b)         Treasury bill

c)         Trade bills

d)        Comercial paper

e)         All of these

f)          None of these


32.     Business enterprises, public enterprises and governments are the major ___________ in capital market.

a)         Suppliers

b)         Borrowers

c)         (a) and (b) both

d)        Neither (a) Nor (b)


33.     Treasury Bills are basically

a)         An instrument to borrow short term funds

b)         An instrument to borrow long term funds

c)         An instrument of capital market

d)        None of the above


34.     Types of Brokers in Stock Exchange Includes:

a)         Commissioned brokers

b)         Floor brokers

c)         Jobbers

d)        Tarawaniwalas

e)         All of these

f)          None of the above

g)         Only (a)


35.     Sub-brokers are also called

a)         Remisiers

b)         Odd lots dealer

c)         Arbitrageurs

d)        Speculators

36.     _________are commonly known as broker firm that provides purchase and sale options from investors in order to keep the financial markets volatile. They can also be an individual intermediary/broker.

a)         Market maker

b)         Institutional Investors

c)         Brokers

d)        Investors


37.     A____________ is also known as a dealer

a)         Market maker

b)         Institutional investor

c)         Merchant banker


38.     Types  of Market Makers includes:

a)         Principal Market Makers

b)         Additional Market Makers

c)         Suspicious marker maker

d)        Speculative market makers

e)         Both (a) and (b)

f)           All of these

g)         None of the above


39.     __________offer to buy and sell stock quotes for a period of almost 18 months from the commencement of the initial trading.

a)         Principal Market Makers

b)         Additional Market Makers

c)         Suspicious marker maker

d)        Speculative market makers


40.     ____________ normally buy and sell stock quotes for a period of almost one year from the actual commencement of initial trading.

a)         Additional Market Makers

b)         Suspicious marker maker

c)         Speculative market makers

d)        Principal Market Makers


41.     Role of Market Makers are

a)         Liquidity

b)         Stabilizing Spread

c)         Matching Orders

d)        All of these

e)         None of these


42. ___________ is termed as the lifeblood of a firm.

        (a) Employee    (b) Finance         (c) Management      (d) Technology


43. Refers to the activity of transforming savings into investment.

a)         Resource development  

b)         Capital formation     

c)         Credit syndication

d)        None of these

44     ___________ is the trading of securities of a company by individuals who are in some way connected with the company and has to non‐public price sensitive information about the company.

a) Speculative trading      b) Hedging                  c) Insider trading        d) Internal trading


45. Origination, underwriting and distribution are the 3 main services of ___________ market.

        (a) Capital market    (b) Secondary market    (c) SEBI     (d) Primary market


46. Bonus issues are the issue of shares to ___________ out of the free reserves of the company.

a)         Existing shareholders

b)         New shareholders

c)         None of these

d)        All of them


47. Net Tangible assets means all net assets

 excluding ___________ assets.

         (a)Tangible assets           (b) Intangible assets      

(c) Total assets      (d) None of these


48 .Convertible preference shares can be converted to equity shares at the option of the holder, so these shares are also known as ___________.

a)         Fully Convertible preference share

b)         Participating preference shares

c)         Conversion of preference shares    

d)        Quasi equity shares  


49 .Government securities are also called ___________ because of the safety and security of investments made in them and regularity of return.

(a)      Gift‐edged securities  

(b)      Long term securities 

(c)       Short term securities

(d)      Investments


50. Is a professional independent broker who deals in securities on his own behalf.

        (a) Arbitrage           (b) Jobber            (c) Odd lots          (d) none of these


51. The ratio of financial assets is ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ of economic growth.

        a) An indicator          (b) the market value          (c) the basis               (d) the prestige value


52. ____________ is an independent body to assist the

 regulators in framing and administering regulating 

in the capital market. E.g. Finance industry development council.

         (a) SNO                           (b) SRO                            (c) RBI                        (d) SEBI


53. Market makers are intermediaries appointed by ______________to sell or buy its securities at any time as per agreed contract.

        (a) RBI         (b) Stock exchange             (c) Company         (d) None of these


54. Market for borrowing and lending short term funds is called ___________

        (a) Money market            (b) Capital market      (c) Derivative market           (d) Forex market


55. Who controls money market?

        (a) RBI                      (b) SBI                   (c) DFHI                       (d) SIDBI


56. Which of the following markets help RBI in implementing its monetary policies?

        (a) Money market                (b) Capital market           (c) Forex market          (d) Debt market


57. Which of the following debt instrument is issued by large credit worthy companies as a means for financing their working capital needs?

        (a) CP                   (b) CD                 (c) IBPC                         (d) Commercial bills


58. Money market deals with:

        (a) Short term funds     (b) Long term funds    (c) Ownership funds    (d) Credit rating


59. What is the minimum issue size of commercial papers?

        (a) 10 lakh                    (b) 5 Lakh                   (c) 5crore                 (d) 2 lakh


60. Certificate of deposits were introduced in the Indian market in ____________

        a) 1989                      (b) 1990                       (c) 1991                        (d) 1988


61. The maturity period of CDs issued by banks varies from _____________

        (a) 7 days to 1 year       (b) 7 days to 3 years       

(c) 1 day to 1 year    (d) 1 and 3 years


62. An instrument to fund the short term needs of banks 

through inter‐bank participation.

        (a) CDs                      (b) Inter Bank Repo     

     (c) CPs                     (d) IBPCs


63. The CRISIL rating needed for corporates to issue a commercial paper.

        (a) CRISIL P-1         (b) CRISIL P-2      (c) CRISIL P-3     

(d) None of these



64. Which of the following is the special Features of Primary Market

a)         Securities are sold by the existing investor to another investors

b)         The intending buyer and seller can buy and sell securities through brokers

c)         Securities are issues directly to investor

d)        The market do not directly contribute to capital formation

65. Listing of securities means

a)         The renewal of securities in stock exchange

b)         The admission of securities of a company to trading on a stock exchange

c)         The removal of securities from the stock exchange

d)        All of the above


66. In case of listing of securities the company must offer for public subscription at least

a)         20 percent of its issued capital

b)         35 percent of its issued capital

c)         25 percent of its issued capital

d)        40 percent of its issued capital


67. Which of the following are the promoters of National 

Stock Exchange of India

a)         Industrial Development Bank of India

b)         Central Bank of India

c)         Canara Bank

d)        Allahabad Bank

e)         Both (a) and (c)

f)          Both (b) and (c)

g)         Both (a) and (d)


68. Listing is mandatory for ____________.

a)         Trading in stock market

b)         Marketing a new issue

c)         Trading in international markets            

d)        Declaring dividend


69. Permanent removal of securities of a company from the stock exchange.

(a) De-listing       (b) Re‐ listing               (c) Listing               (d) None of these


70. A fresh issue or offer for sale of securities made by a listed company to the public is called ____________.

(a) FPO                   (b) IPO                    (c) DPO                    (d) None of these


71. A prospectus which does not have details of either price or number of shares offer or the amount of issue.

a)         Red herring prospectus

b)         Statement in lieu of prospectus

c)         Shelf prospectus

d)        None of these


72.Insider trading means____________.

a)         Purchase of securities by owners of the company

b)         Taking advantage of internal price sensitive information for trading

c)         Trade for purchase of shares only by employees

d)        Investors sell their financial paper to relatives of the firms.



73. The fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities market regulation in 2003 was passed to prohibit --------------------.

a)         Insider trading practices

b)         Brokers from illegal trading

c)         Foreign institutional investors in the market

d)        Manipulation of prices and misleading statements


74. A company can raise capital through the primary market in the form of

a)         Equity shares

b)         Preference shares

c)         Debentures

d)        All of the above


75. A market for borrowing and lending funds for a period exceeding 14 days.

a)         Term money market

b)         Call money market

c)         Commercial bill market 

d)        None of these


76. An offer documents in case of public issue is _________

a)          prospectus

b)         Statement in lieu of prospectus

c)         Shelf prospectus

d)        None of these


77. An investor who applies or bids for securities for a value not more than Rs.2 lakh.

a)         Retail individual investor

b)         Qualified institutional buyer

c)         Non‐ institutional investor

d)        None of these


78. A pricing mechanism for new issues based on assessment of market demand.

        (a) Book buiding     (b) Green shoe option    (c) Fixed price issue     (d) None of these


79.  Time limit for allotting securities from the date of closure of the issue is ________.

        (a) 15 days            (b) 30 days                  (c) 45 days               (d) None of these


80.  In case of a retail outlets of book built issue, the allocation investor should not be_________.

        (a) Less than 35%    (b) More than 35%     (c) Less than 10%    (d) None of these.



81. MMMF stands for __________

a)     Money Market Mutual Funds                      

b)    Monetary Market Mutual Funds

c)     Money Medium Mutual Funds                    

d)    None of these


82 .Trading procedure under stock market includes:

a)         Appointing Board of Director

b)         Placing order

c)         Opening demat account

d)        Execution of the order

(i) a, b, c

(ii) b,c, d

(iii) a, c, d

(iv) a,b,d

83 .___________Where is New York Stock exchange Located?

a)         Broadway

b)         Empire State Building

c)         Times Square

d)        Wall Street


84. The National Stock Exchange was incorporated in

a)         November 1991

b)         November 1992

c)         November 1993

d)        November 1994


85. The largest stock exchange in the world

a)         NASDAQ Stock Exchange

b)         London Stock Exchange

c)         New York Stock Exchange

d)        Tokyo Stock Exchange


86. Which of the following statement is not true with regard to stock exchange?

a)         It provides a platform for buying and selling of  new securities

b)         It curbs the marketability of the securities

c)         By providing a ready market it extends liquidity to the securities

d)        It provides a platform for buying and selling of old securities


87. What are the objectives of OCTEI?

a)         Protecting interest of investors in securities

b)         Promoting development of securities market

c)         Regulating securities market

d)        All of these


88.     Devise adopted to make profit out of the difference in prices of a security in two different markets is called ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐.

        (a) Arbitrage           (b) Margin trading           (c) Call option        (d) None of these


89.     The number of store which is less than the standard unit is called ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐.

        (a) Arbitrage             (b) Margin trading              (c) Odd lots      (d) None of these


90.     A person appointed by a stock broker to assist him in the business of securities trading is called-----

        a) Sub broker      (b) Tarawaniwalas       (c) Authorized clerk    (d) None of these


91.     Member of stock exchanges is called ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐.

        (a) Stock broker         (b) Investor            (c) Issuer              

(d) None of these


92. Buy and sell securities on behalf of the investing public.

        (a) Arbitrage      (b) Commission brokers     (c) Stock broker   

    (d) None of these


93. Risk involved in gambling is ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

            a) Low             b) High            c) Very high                d) None


94. The process of artificially increasing or decreasing the price is known as__________

a) Price bond       b) Price rigging            c) Cover system       

   d) None


95 .National stock exchange operations are divided into ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ and capital market segment.

a)         Whole sale debt market  

b)         Money market 

c)         Secondary market

d)        None of these


96.Bull and ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ are speculators.

        (a) Bear        (b) Cow          (c) Lion             (d) None of these


97. The first stock exchange in India was started in ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐.

        (a) 1875                  (b) 1885 (c) 1895                 (d) 1865


98.  Which was the first Indian company to list on New York Stock Exchange

a) ICICI Bank     b) Wipro          c) TATA Motors        

             d) Infosys


99. The settlement cycle in NSE IS

a) T+5                  b) T+3             c) T+2              d) T+1


100. Which of the following might be a reason for a stock market to lose value suddenly?

a)         A big company going bankrupt

b)         Fear of a global recession

c)         A terrorist attack

d)        All of these.


101.Which term most accurately describe selling shares at a higher price than the price at which they were bought

a)         Loss

b)         Profit

c)         Asset

d)        Dividend


102.Which term is used to describe a payout made to shareholders representing their share of a coporation’s profit?

a)         Jackpot

b)         Dividend

c)         Lovely

d)        Jubbly

e)         Coupon


103.Odd lot trading

a)         Trading in multiple of 100 stocks or less

b)         Trading in mutliples of 100 stocks or more

c)         Trading in multiples of 200 stocks or less

d)        Trading in multiples of 200 stocks or more



104  .Which of the following is not the features of NSEI

a)         Nationwide Coverage

b)         Ringless

c)         Screenless trading

d)        Tranparency


105 .Bulls and bears are -------------.

a)         Ordinary investors

b)         Government agencies

c)         Money lenders

d)        Speculators


106. The present rolling settlements cycle T+2 are introduced in ---------------.

        (a) 2003                  (b) 2001                (c) 2000                    (d) 2008



107. In which year NSE was incorporated as a tax paying company unlike other stock exchange in the country

a)         1992

b)         1990

c)         1991

d)        1994


108. NSE commenced operations in the wholesale debt market segment in June______________


109. NSEI commenced operations in the capital market (Equities) segment in November __________


110. Which of the following are the special features of OTCEI

a)         No trading floor

b)         Greater transparency

c)         Faster settlement

d)        All of these

e)         None


111. Stock Exchanges is known as _______________ Secondary market for securities

a)         Primary market

b)         Secondary market

c)         Capital market

d)        None of these


112. When trade confirmation is slips issues to the investor?

a)         On placing an order

b)         On execution of the order

c)         On settlement of the order

d)        None


113. In which market transactions are done through computers and telephone without any specific location?

a)         Over the counter markets

b)         Past counter markets

c)         Future counter markets

d)        Capital counter market


114. The mandatory details that an investor has to provide to the broker at the time of opening a demat account is

a)         Date of birth and address

b)         PAN number

c)         Residential Status

d)        Bank Account details


115. On this day, the Exchange will deliver the share or make payment to the other brokers

a)         Pay-in day

b)         Pay-out day

c)         Transaction day

d)        None of the above


116. The basic regulatory authority for mutual funds and stock market lies with the

a)         Stock Exchanges

b)         Reserve Bank of India

c)         Government of India

d)        SEBI


117. Which list is not an important feature of secondary market

a)         Accurate information should be available timely basis

b)         Sufficient liquidity

c)         Efficient transaction with high transaction cost

d)        All the information should be reflected in stock within min time.


118. _________It is a  number assigned to each transaction by the stock exchange and is printed on the contract note

a)         PAN number

b)         Contract note

c)         Unique order code

d)        None of the above


119. _____________ seek to protect them against price change in an asset in which they have an interest.

a)         Hedger

b)         Bull

c)         Bear


120. In Bombay stock exchange ‘bear’ is also known as ___________

a)         Mandiwala

b)         Terawali

c)         tarwaniwalas


121.  Which of the following is a global stock market index

a)         OCTEI index

b)         Nifty

c)         Sensex

d)        FSTE100


122. In India, a bull is also known as

a)         Mandiwala

b)         Tarawaniwalas

c)         Tejiwal


123. Speculators who neither buy nor sell securities in the market but still trade on them are called

a)         Wolves

b)         Stags

c)         Bears

d)        None


124.  Are a class of alternative investments that use pooled funds to generate above-market returns?

a)         Hedge fund

b)         Pension fund

c)         Endowment fund


125.  _______________Pension funds are a broad investment category that pays for employee retirement commitments.

a)         Pension fund

b)         Hedge fund

c)         Endowment fund


126. .  ___________An endowment fund is a type of investment set up by a foundation that withdraws money from invested capital. These funds are typically used by universities, religious institutes and other non-profit organizations to advance their cause or operating process.

a)         Edowment fund

b)         Pension fund

c)         Hedge fund


127.Money market is instrument by the government to bridge the deficit between the revenue and expenditure in the budget.

        a) T‐bills                  (b) Bonds                       (c) CDs                      (d) CPs


128. A loan for very short period is called _____________

        a)  Call loans (b) cash loans (c) T‐bills (d) None of these


129. An order for the purchase of securities of a fixed price is known as __________.

        (a) Limit order    (b) Open order              (c) Stop loss order     (d) None of these


130.  Most of the speculative purchases are made on the basis of ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐.

        (a) Margin trading                 (b) Arbitrage              (c) Wash sale          (d) none of these


131 ____________ is  a speculator expert’s rise in price of a share is called ____________

        (a) Bull                                  (b) Bear                       (c) Stag                         (d) Lame duck


132.__________ is the fictitious transaction.

        (a) Margin trading           (b) Arbitrage                 (c) Wash sale              (d) none of these


133. Means artificially pushing up the market price of a particular security.

        a) Rigging                (b) Cornering                 (c) Margin trading         (d) none of these


134. Rigging activity is carried on by the ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ speculators.

        (a) Bull                  (b) Swap                    (c) Bear                   (d) Lame duck


135  _________issued by the central government or state governments are referred to as government securities.

        (a) Instruments                   (b) Securities                (c) Bonds                    (d) Shares


136.Government securities are issued through ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ of RBI.

        (a) Public debt office               (b) SEBI              (c) DFHI             (d) Stock exchange


137. RBI established __________in 1988 to perform the money market operations on its behalf.

        (a) SEBI                   (b) RBI office               (c) DFHI                (d) SBI


138.  ____________is a unsecured promissory note issued with a fixed maturity, by a company, and approved by RBI, maturity from 7 days to one year, issued at a discount on the face value.

        (a) Certificate of Deposits   (b) Treasury bill   (c) Commercial Bills (d) Commercial papers


139.     NBFCs stand for ___________

        a)  Non Banking Fund Company  

        b) Non-Banking Financial Companies

        c)  Non -Banking Finance Council

        d) None of these


140. The price at which market maker or dealer is prepare to buy

a)      Strike price

b)      Bid price

c)      Exercise price


141.The price at which a market maker is willing to buy a security and the price at which it is willing to sell the security

a)      Spread

b)      Bid price

c)      Strike price


142. A person who act as an intermediary between debenture holders and company is called a ______________

a)      Debenture holders

b)      Debenture Trustees


143. ____________ is the biggest market in the world because it is the base of all the activities

a)      Bond

b)      Equity

c)      Debentures


144. ____________ invest with their own money in the stock market

a)      Retail Investor

b)      Institutional Investor

c)      Market maker


145. After the trade has been executed, the broker issues a Contract Note to the investor within


a)      52 hours

b)      24 hours

c)      12 hours

d)     48 hours


146. In which markets transaction are done through Computers and Telephones without any specific location

(a) Over the Counter market

(b) Past counter market

(c) Future counter market

(d) Capital counter market


147. _______________ is also called Zero Coupon bond

a)      Treasury bills

b)      Commerciaal Papers

c)      Certificate of Deposits


148.Book building process is associated with ______________


a)      Preference share allotment

b)      Right Issue

c)      Private placement

d)     IPO


149.What is the full form of NSE?

a)      National Stock Exchange

b)      Bombay Stock Exchange

c)      Over the Counter Exchange of India


150. What is the full form of BSE?

a)      National Stock Exchange

b)      Bombay Stock Exchange

c)      Over the Counter Exchange of India


151. _________________are financial institutions that offer banking, lending and investment services to the general public with the aim of earning profits.

a)      Commercial banks

b)      Public sector banks

c)      Private sector banks


152. ______________execute orders of their customers by buying and selling securities on the exchange. They charged a specified commission on the purchase or sale value. A commission broker does not buy or sell securities in his own name. They deal with many clients and consequently with many securities.

a)      Floor brokers

b)      Commission Brokers

c)      Jobbers



153.____________ are one step below the commission brokers. So his dealing is with the commission brokers rather than with the clients. They execute the orders of buying and selling raised buy the members.

a)      Floor brokers

b)      Commission Brokers

c)      Jobbers


154. In an initial public offer (IPO) the issue price is called

a)     Cut off price

b)    Floor price

c)     Capped Price


155.The minimum price at which bids can be made for IPO is called the

a)     Cut off price

b)    Floor price

c)     Capped price




1.           Financial market

2.           April 1988

3.           All of these

4.           Section 4

5.           Ajay Tyagi

6.           All of these

7.           a, b, c, d

8.           Mutual fund

9.           1992

10.         All of the above

11.         SEBI

12.         Capital Stock

13.         Debt Capital

14.         Preferential

15.           Debt

16.         Underwriting Commission

17.         Capital markets

18.         Stock Exchange

19.         Money market

20.         RBI

21.         Sub Brokers

22.         the funds are raised for a short period of time

23.         it is known as old issues market

24.         all of the above

25.         a company whose shares always provides profit

26.         all of the above

27.         Stock exchanges

28.         Price rigging

29.         Grey Market

30.         Both (a) and (b)

31.         All of these

32.         Borrower

33.         An instrument to borrow short term funds

34.         All of these

35.         Remisiers

36.         Market  market

37.         Market maker

38.         Both (a) and(b)

39.         Principal Market makers

40.         Additional market maker

41.         All of these

42          Finace

43.         Capital formation

43.         Insider trading

44.         Primary market

45.         Existing shareholder 

46.         Intangible assets

47          Quasi equity shares

48.         Gift edged securities

49.         Jobber

51          An indicator

52.         SEBI

53          Stock exchange

54          Money market

55.          RBI

56.          Money market

57.           CP

58.           Short term funds

59.           5 lakh

60          1989

61.         7 days to 1 year      

62          IBPCs

63.           CRISILP- 2

63.       Securities are issues directly to investor

64.       The admissions of securities of a company to trading on a stock exchange

65.       25 percent of its issued capital

66.       Both (a) and (b)

67.       trading in stock market

68.       Delisitng

69.       FPO

70.       Statement in lieu of prospectus

71.       Taking advantage of internal price sensitive information for trading

72.       Manipulating of prices and misleading statements

73.       All of the above

74.       Termmoney market

75.       Prospectus

76.       Retail Individual Investor

77.       Book building

78.       30 days

79.       More than 35%

80.       Money market mutual fund


82.     b, c, d

83.     Wall Street

84.     Nov 1992

85.     New York Stock Exchange

86.     It curbs the marketability of the securities

87.     All of these

88.     Arbitrage

89.     Odd lots

90.     Sub broker

91.     Stock broker

92.     Commision broker

93.     Very high

94.     Price rigging

95.     Whole sale debt market

96.     Bear

97.     1875

98.     ICICI Bank

99.     T+ 2

100. All of these

101. Profit

102. Dividend

103. Trading in multiple of 100 stocks or less

104. Screenless Trading

105. Speculators

106. 2000

107. 1992

108. 1994

109. 1994

110. All of these

111. Secondary market

112.  On execution of order

113. Over the Counter markets

114. PAN number

115. Pay-out day

116. SEBI

117.  Efficient transaction with high transaction cost